Newly hired nurses, OSS and Healthcare Professionals prefer IKEA to furnish their homes and arrange the rented one.
After the first (or subsequent) hiring and transfer to another city or region (or even another country) to Nurses, OSS and Healthcare Professionals (also Medici, Midwives e Pediatric Nurses) the first thing to do is to find accommodation (owned or rented). But guess what is the second? Furnish or arrange it. And to do so, the first choice remains to go to theIKEA.
All’IKEA the stylistic and above all economic choice is very attractive. For a few hundred euros you can buy everything you need to live in dignity and why not set up an apartment or a room to envy.
What can you buy atIKEA? Here:
- kitchen material;
- shelves;
- mattresses;
- bed sheets;
- federe;
- pillows;
- chairs;
- tables;
- lamps;
- libraries;
- desks;
- objects for the most varied uses;
- and why not also junk.
And have you ever gone toIKEA?