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Ikea: Charging an electric car – Now Ikea is taking action

Ikea has had charging points for electric cars at the seven Norwegian department stores since 2016. Now, however, the number and capacity will be increased significantly, so that it will be easier to visit the department stores with an electric car. The company announces this in a press release.

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Bet on zero emissions

Ikea further writes that they are working to ensure zero emissions from own transport related to home delivery by 2025. In addition, emissions related to customers ‘and employees’ travel to and from department stores will be reduced by 50 percent by 2030.

– We have many who visit our department stores and we have a great responsibility to the people and neighborhoods where we are present, says Siri Norhagen in the press release.

Consequently, many people travel far to get to an Ikea department store, which is located in or near Oslo (2), Stavanger, Kristiansand, Bergen, Trondheim and Ringsaker in Hedmark.

HOW IT WILL BE: With a whole range of electric car chargers (on the right), as well as a field in the middle, closest to the entrance, it can be attractive to drive an electric car to Ikea in the future. Illustration: Ikea
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– At least 16 lightning chargers

Of the charging points installed at the department stores, according to the company, they will have at least 16 lightning chargers, with the possibility of increasing to 24 lightning chargers. These charging stations can also be used by Ikea’s own electric cars for home delivery. In addition to the lightning chargers, each warehouse will have a minimum of 20 normal charging points for customers and employees.

The lightning chargers must be able to deliver a power from 150 kW up to 300 kW. Those customers with electric cars that can receive such a high power will, after a full warehouse round, thus be able to be fully charged in good time for the journey home.

– The demand for home delivery is increasing, and we have a great responsibility to ensure that these deliveries are made in a more sustainable way. With the investment in new chargers, we are a big step closer to the goal of zero emissions for home deliveries in all our markets, Norhagen explains.

APPLAUSES: Unni Berge is head of communication and public relations in the Norwegian Electric Car Association.

APPLAUSES: Unni Berge is head of communication and public relations in the Norwegian Electric Car Association.
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Gets applause

The news receives standing ovations from the Norwegian Electric Car Association.

– This is a future-oriented investment by Ikea. Many electric motorists like to charge when they do other things, such as shopping, says Unni Berge, head of communication and public relations at the Electric Car Association, to DinSide.

She also believes that there is reason to applaud that Ikea will focus on emission-free delivery of goods.

– This is something other companies should be inspired by. In order to cut enough greenhouse gas emissions, it is not just that passenger cars will be emission-free, vans must also be. It will also help with local air quality in the cities, the communications manager explains.

Finished by 2023

Work on the new charging points is already underway, and will be completed by the end of 2023. The new offer will replace the existing charging offer, which is relatively modest in comparison.

Ikea takes care of the locations, while the charging operator Recharge owns the charging points and is responsible for installation, maintenance and operation. In other words, they are the ones who charge for the charge from the warehouse customers.

– We are constantly working to make electric car charging even easier and more accessible. With between 16 and 24 lightning chargers per warehouse, we are sure that Ikea will be an attractive charging stop for many electric drivers, says communications manager Elise Thorvaldsen in Recharge.

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