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II Act of Recognition: Companies with Heart – Highlighting Social Commitment and Collaboration with Cáritas Diocesana de Tui-Vigo

For the mission of Cáritas to be possible, the collaboration and social commitment of many people is essential: volunteers, partners, donors, technicians and technicians, and collaborating companies.

For this reason, from Cáritas Diocesana de Tui-Vigo we do not want to stop thanking all those people who, with small great gestures, make our work possible.

Today, it was the turn of the companies and entities that throughout the year have demonstrated their social commitment by collaborating in many different ways with our entity. To do this, we celebrated this morning the II Act of Recognition of Companies with Heartin the meeting room of the Confederation of Employers of Pontevedra.

It was a meeting with the business world, presided over by the bishop of the diocese, Msgr. Luís Quinteiro Fiuza, who welcomed the participants, as well as Mr. Jorge Cebreiros, as host of the event, and the Commissioner accompanied us. Head of Vigo, D. Ramiro José Gómez García and the new Territorial Delegate of the Xunta de Galicia, Ms. Ana Ortiz.

This was divided into two moments: a table of experiences, and the subsequent delivery of recognitions to three companies that have stood out in the last year for their social commitment through their determined support for the work of Cáritas Diocesana de Tui-Vigo.

The round table, titled “We are opportunity. Corporate social responsibility”, featured Juan Louro, director of the Vialia Shopping Center, María Luz Valencia from the NGO Intermón-Oxfam, Gabriela Dorado, a Moda-Re worker, Yamila Rodríguez, a Cáritas volunteer and Miguel Freire from Cáritas Institutional Development. The table was moderated by Mar Ferrero, trainer and Vice President of Empresarias de Galicia.

Next, the Director of Cáritas Diocesana, D. Gonzalo Davila, delivered the II Acknowledgments to Companies with a Heart – 2023 Commitment.

The companies that this year won these awards were:

– Social Commitment: Oxfam International, collected by Mariluz Valencia

– Strengthening of Projects: Valmitronic, collected by Francisco Pino

– Responsibility with Social Action: Froiz Supermarkets, collected by Brígida Nieto Grande, Director of Marketing and Communication

From here we want to thank all the people who made this morning’s event possible, where we deepened and reflected on the growing importance that the exercise of Social Responsibility has in the business world, and congratulate the companies and entities that were graced with the “Companies with Heart” awards from Cáritas Diocesana de Tui-Vigo.

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