Home » today » Business » IHKLW offers digital expert days – free advice for founders and companies – Celler Presse

IHKLW offers digital expert days – free advice for founders and companies – Celler Presse

The Lüneburg-Wolfsburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHKLW) offers start-ups and companies free individual video consultations on the development of their own company. The topics and dates in August at a glance:

A consultant will answer individual questions about CE marking and legal requirements for products at the CE marking expert day on Thursday, August 4, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. The CE mark is an indication that a product has been tested by the manufacturer and that it meets all EU-wide requirements for safety, health protection and environmental protection. It is mandatory for all products manufactured worldwide that are marketed in the EU.

An expert from the Nordostniedersachsen eV consulting network will be giving tips on online marketing strategy at the online marketing expert day on Wednesday, August 10, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The participants learn what they can do to ensure that customers can find their website quickly and how to use the online marketing budget optimally.

On Tuesday, August 30, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., IHKLW experts will advise you on the start-up and financing expert day in individual discussions about innovative and growth-oriented business models and provide information on start-up financing and public funding

The financing of business projects is the focus of the experts’ day on subsidies on Wednesday, August 31, 9 a.m. to 12 noon, when an advisor from the NBank will provide information on public subsidies for investments.

Anyone who would like to further develop their start-up idea with a consultant from the Business Seniors Network has the opportunity to do so at the Expert Day on Start-up Ideas on Wednesday, August 31, from 1 to 5 p.m.

The appointments for the consultations can only be booked online at www.ihk-lueneburg.de/expertentage. Registration closes on the Thursday of the week prior to the event. Contact person for further information is Nina Warnecke, Tel. 05361 2954-13 ([email protected]).


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