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IHK for Rheinhessen: Companies overcome paralysis

The economic report of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce reflects how things are currently going in companies. 25 percent report a bad business situation. But there are also industries that are doing well.

RHEINHESSEN – (red). The economic situation of the Rheinhessen companies is stagnating due to the pandemic – a slight recovery is only expected after a successful vaccination campaign and a decrease in the number of infections, shows the current economic report of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Rheinhessen (IHK). “Most companies have overcome the corona-induced paralysis, but are fighting the consequences of the pandemic in many areas,” says IHK Managing Director Günter Jertz, summarizing the survey results. In view of the boom in China and the USA, the export-dependent industry in particular is confronted with a shortage of raw materials, rising energy prices and supply bottlenecks.

The fact that the shortage of skilled workers is once again perceived as a challenge is due, among other things, to the need for specialists for the rapidly growing digitization processes. The survey also shows that small and medium-sized companies in particular suffer from the uncertainty and reluctance to invest on the part of customers. The companies also name rising labor costs, increasing bureaucracy and the absence of employees due to childcare as a burden. “All of this leads to planning uncertainty, which will only give way once the vaccination campaign is more successful,” says Jertz, assessing the situation.

A look at the current business situation of the Rheinhessen companies shows that they are affected to different degrees by the Corona crisis: 38 percent report a good business situation, 37 percent a satisfactory situation and 25 percent have to cope with a bad business situation. The companies are cautious about their expectations for the next twelve months. However, the survey also shows that companies are holding on to their employees. Many companies mention short-time working allowance as an important support.

Industry is the pacemaker of the export-oriented Rheinhessen economy. The industrial companies rate their situation somewhat better than at the beginning of the year: 39 percent of them are currently reporting a good business situation, 40 percent a satisfactory and 21 percent a bad situation. When it comes to business expectations for the next twelve months, the industrial companies are cautious: 22 percent expect better business, 53 percent with constant development and 25 percent with worse business.

The assessments of retailers and wholesalers depend on whether they are directly affected by the lockdown. 36 percent of them report a good business situation, 41 percent rate the situation as “satisfactory” and 23 percent as bad. For the next twelve months, 21 percent of the retail companies surveyed expect better business, 46 percent the same and 33 percent worse. Companies from the service sector are also struggling with the consequences of the pandemic, depending on which industry they belong to. 37 percent report a good business situation, 34 percent a satisfactory and 29 percent report bad business. The business expectations for the next twelve months estimate 28 percent better, 49 percent expect business to remain the same and 23 percent worse.

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