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Ignored! Workers create petition for Ubisoft to improve their work environment

Another of the companies involved in great controversy due to despicable situations in labor matters is Ubisoft and the workers live their own struggle to try to improve working conditions that until today have been pointed out by cases of harassment, nepotism and discrimination. Although the attention on what happens in the French company is not as much as that attracted by Activision Blizzard, the employees try to make themselves known and only recently revealed that their demands have not been heeded.

Despite the controversy, ubisoft still does not respond to the requests of its workers

It seems that while his work environment burns, Ubisoft rests in a hammock because the voice of the workers is not considered as pressure for the French company. The foregoing according to a publication of the A Better Ubisoft group, formed to defend the workers of this company, who pointed out that 100 days after the controversy began due to different labor problems, their requests have not been heard, much less solved. In this regard, the group published a petition for Ubisoft in which workers are invited to sign and that demands that the company immediately solve the problems that affect workers.

Ubisoft workers’ lawsuits revealed

As part of the document are the 4 points that require the most attention according to this group of Ubisoft workers, who account for processes and present and future perspectives that are capable of influencing the industry and its workers:

  • Cessation of promotion and relocation of known aggressors, who go from study to study and from team to team with no repercussions. This cycle must stop
  • We want a collective space at the decision-making table, to have a meaningful voice in how Ubisoft, as a company, moves forward from here
  • Collaboration between industries, to agree on a set of rules and processes that all studios can use to handle these cases in the future
  • This collaboration should largely involve employees in non-managerial positions and union representatives.

Recently, a report pointed out new testimonies of the problems that Ubisoft workers face, as well as the failure of the company to attend to them and solve them and even a threatening email was shared by a manager regarding the statements they give to journalists about these situations.

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