Home » today » Entertainment » IFE Universal, Labor and Bonus $ 200 thousand AFP today | Latest news and possible payment dates | September 7th

IFE Universal, Labor and Bonus $ 200 thousand AFP today | Latest news and possible payment dates | September 7th

Chile maintains the constant low indexes in relation to the control of the coronavirus pandemic. There are already several weeks in which the new infections, the number of positivity and the number of active cases account for this favorable outlook and The country has begun a sustained phase of reopening multiple activities in search of a boost to the national economy.

In any case, many families are still suffering the consequences of the long period of confinement, which was decreed at the worst moment of the health emergency. For these households, the assistance plan implemented by Government, State collaboration strategy towards part of the population whose central elements are the Universal Emergency Family Income (IFE), the new Labor IFE and the $ 200 thousand AFP Bonus.

IFE Universal

This benefit was implemented during the first months of the pandemic, in 2020. Over time, the amounts delivered varied, as did the recipients. Today it receives the name of Universal, since it significantly expanded the number of people to whom aid reaches.

Currently, the IFE Universal considers practically all the people included in the Social Registry of Households (RSH). Only the 10% of families with the highest monthly income are excluded from receiving the benefit. These are households with an average income of 800 thousand pesos for each member.

A few days ago, the government reported that households that receive automatic benefit payment and those enrolled in the IFE Universal During the month of August, they could check their payment from Monday, August 30. However, the authorities later announced the start of the delivery of the aid counting on Saturday, August 28.

Likewise, in La Moneda they reported that people who have not applied for the state contribution will have a new stage to do so. This period will run from Monday, September 6 to Thursday, September 16.

The payment of the IFE Universal is made automatically in the bank accounts registered at the time of application. Beneficiaries can also attend any branch of Banco Estado or Caja de Compensación Los Héroes to obtain the contribution in person.

If you want to know more information about this aid provided by the Government, you can do so by entering the official website of the benefit: www.ingresodeemergencia.cl.

IFE Labor

This new benefit consists of an aid that the authorities will also provide in the context of the health emergency that the country is experiencing. It is a monetary contribution intended for workers who find formal employment as of September 2021 and its objective is to encourage the creation of 500 thousand new jobs.

The main focus of the benefit is women, as they have been the most affected by the massive job loss caused by the pandemic. For this reason, the aid will correspond to 60% of their remuneration, with a maximum monthly payment of $ 250 thousand. Regarding men, the amount will be 50% of their salary and the ceiling will reach $ 200 thousand.

If the worker obtains the contribution from the state, it will be delivered directly to the beneficiary and in parallel with the money he receives in his remuneration. The main requirement to get state aid is to get a formal job starting in September.

Direct applications are already enabled. They can be done online at the Employment Subsidy website since last Wednesday, September 1.

Bono $200 mil AFP

The $ 200,000 Bond is a contribution that the Government implemented some time ago. It consists of providing financial aid to those people who were left without pension funds, due to the two previous withdrawals of 10% from the AFPs.

The stage to receive the $ 200 thousand continues. In the event that the affiliate registers in his savings an amount lower than the state aid and regardless of the figure, he may have the bonus in an amount that allows him to complete the corresponding money to access the withdrawal of $ 200 thousand.

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