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If you suffer from unusual tiredness and headaches but also from sleepiness this season, here’s what they should do

Finally, after a long and cold winter, the warm season and warmer temperatures have arrived. Even our body wakes up from semi-lethargy in winter, but for some this awakening can bring discomfort related to the change of the season. These discomforts can be just temporary ailments, or they can be symptoms of more serious problems. In this case, in the presence of persistent ailments this is the season to do a health check-up.

With the arrival of the new season, some ailments typical of this period may occur, such as fatigue, headache, drowsiness, difficulty concentrating. Difficulty getting used to longer days and higher temperatures could be the cause of those suffering from unusual fatigue and other ailments. However, if these disorders persist they can be a symptom of possible pathologies. Spring, the season of rebirth par excellence, is the most suitable to do some exams to discover any pathologies not yet clearly manifested.

If you suffer from unusual tiredness and headaches but also from sleepiness this season, here’s what they should do

Men under 40/45 years old should have a cardiological examination with an electrocardiogram at rest. Anyone who starts a new sporting activity to clear the winter blight and get back in shape should also do an electrocardiogram under stress. The exam is especially recommended for those who start a new physical activity from scratch after a long period of sedentary lifestyle.

Blood pressure is the other important factor to monitor after age 40. Just go to the pharmacy or your doctor for a precautionary measure. According to the World Health Organization, normal values ​​should not exceed 130 at rest as systolic pressure and 85 as diastolic pressure. Persistent higher values ​​could be the signal of a pathological state of hypertension.

Men and women over 40-45

Men over the age of 45 to 50 should consider a colonoscopy or fecal occult blood test. Medical check-up is highly recommended, especially in the presence of previous family cases of colorectal cancer. Furthermore, a prostate checkup is also recommended for men.
As for men, it is also recommended for women over 40 to do an electrocardiogram under stress. Ultrasound scans are also recommended for women to assess the state of the ovaries and uterus. Mammography remains a key test to prevent breast cancer. For women over 50, it is advisable to make this visit at least once a year.

In addition, with the arrival of menopause it is essential for a woman to keep bone health under control. For this specific risk, MOC, Computerized Bone Mineralometry, is recommended.

Beware of these skin problems

Finally, a self-analysis of moles and possible skin spots is essential for both men and women. Melanoma is one of the most dangerous forms of cancer but also among the most underrated. Clinical studies suggest that these often start from existing moles. Generally this type of tumor in men occurs mainly on the trunk while in women on the back. In case of problems it is obviously recommended to contact a dermatologist.


These are the signs of a brain tumor and these are the risk factors to be avoided absolutely

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)—

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