Home » today » Health » If you suffer from these conditions you shouldn’t eat Philadelphia: here are which ones

If you suffer from these conditions you shouldn’t eat Philadelphia: here are which ones

We often choose to eat Philadelphia because it is practical and comes with a wide variety of foods. But is it also healthy? As usual, the answer is not unique because a lot depends on the quantity ingested and on the pathologies that each person carries around. Philadelphia is a cheese and consequently its consumption must be limited for certain types of problems.

Its taste, however, is unmistakable and we can combine it with many cooked and raw dishes or, more simply, Philadelphia can be used as the only component for a quick sandwich. It is also used as a basic ingredient for desserts, especially for the fantastic and irresistible cheese cakes.

The nutritional values ​​of Philadelphia

Eating Philadelphia is a gluttony that we cannot resist. Inside the Philadelphia, however, there is a quantity of cream that gives it that compact and spreadable appearance. The Philadelphia light, on the other hand, appears to have a lower contribution of cream and is therefore suitable for all those people who are following a low-calorie diet.

It contains a part of lactose, being packaged with cow’s milk, which contributes to the proteins but which are harmful for those suffering from milk intolerance. It is a low-calorie product, however, capable of giving a considerable energy density, higher than mozzarella or ricotta.

Despite this, it has a quantity of saturated fat that does not coincide with low glycemic diets or for those who need to keep cholesterol levels under control. On a par with other cheeses, Philadelphia should also be eaten with caution so as not to exceed the recommended dose of daily fats.

Finally, the essential nutrients beneficial for our body that Philadelphia contains are: vitamin riboflavin (typical of dairy products), phosphorus, calcium and sodium. The latter are the minerals that our body needs to keep the organs and the body system in its entirety healthy.

Who shouldn’t eat Philadelphia (or at least limit their consumption)

Philadelphia, like all dairy products, must be consumed sparingly for those suffering from certain diseases. In particular, care must be taken for those suffering from:

  • hypertension;
  • high cholesterol;
  • overweight;
  • cardiovascular problems.

In all these cases, the consumption of dairy products no more than two, maximum three times a week is recommended. This is because lactose raises blood pressure causing a decompensation of the cardiovascular system. The most sensitive to these glycemic peaks are those suffering from high cholesterol and overweight subjects.

Then you have to pay attention to the medications you take. In case of administration of cortisone, in periods of inflammation, it is better to eat Philadelphia as little as possible because cortisone leads to an increase in glycemic values ​​even without consuming fat. Therefore, a surplus of fats should be avoided, especially if saturated such as those present in spreadable cheese, during the convalescence period. For those in health, Philadelphia can be eaten safely without excessive exaggeration.

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