This is a historical period in which if you have used gold at home you are rich: the value of this asset has increased a lot in recent times. Looking at the graphs with the historical value of gold, in fact, it is possible to realize that the appreciation of this safe-haven asset has been constant and very strong in the medium to long term. Will the trend remain the same?
It is likely that the trend will remain constant for the near future, but already today it is possible to consider your gold a small fortune in front of which you can ask yourself what to do. If you decide to sell it today, in fact, you would earn almost double a few years. In this little study, we explain the reasons for this growth in the value of gold and what to do if you want to sell it.
Appreciation of gold: what happens?
The socio-economic situation is particularly favorable to the growth in the cost of safe-haven assets. The uncertainties arising from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and other international tensions, the possible difficulty in supplying raw materials and in terms of energy sources in the near future, have pushed large investors to take refuge in gold, consequently increasing demand, and the cost of the precious metal.
This is a long wave that can also reach the small saver who owns gold objects at home, which today are certainly worth something more than in the recent past. The “rush” of the value of gold in recent months, however, stopped at around 55 Euro / gram, when it had also exceeded 60 Euro / gram last March.
How much is the gold used today
The current value of 24 karat gold is 55.58 Euros per gram. This is a slightly higher valuation compared to a week ago, when gold had returned to a value of around 53 euros, but lower than in recent months, when it also exceeded 57 euros / gram. The evaluation picture of the gold used is completed with the following values: 18 k gold is worth 41.62 euros / gram, 14 k gold has reached the value of 32.44 euros / gram, while 9k currently travels on 18.42 euros per gram. Compared to the past few days, the price seems stable and constant.
What to do to sell used gold?
The best option to sell used gold remains to turn to a “Gold Buyer”. In any case, keeping up to date on a daily basis, also through our site, on the value of the gold used can help you understand for yourself the value of the objects you are about to sell. Remember to take into account the carat weight of your objects (generally the jewels are 18 karat, ed) and make a weight – even if not very precise – with a domestic scale to get an approximate idea of the amount you should collect.
The “Buy Gold” proposal should not differ much from the sum given by the value of gold for the grams of your object, except for an understandable percentage of profit. Preferably, contact a “Compro Oro” registered with the OAM, the mandatory national register that brings together the most reliable buyers on the market.