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If you have the flu… 5 steps to take to treat and prevent the infection

The flu spreads widely in the world and Egypt due to the winter season, and it can cause many complications when the symptoms are neglected, especially in the elderly, children and people with weak immunity, and know prevention methods, complications, symptoms and treatment, Dr. Wagdy Amin, Director of the General Department of Chest Diseases at the Ministry of Health, provides everything you need to know about influenza.

Dr. Wajdi Amin said that flu is a virus that causes severe respiratory symptoms and there are many types, which are 4 types A,B,C,D indicating that the most common is the type “A”There are many types and they depend on the protein that covers the surface of the virus, abbreviated with the letter “la”.hThere are 18 types of this protein, which indicates that there is another protein abbreviated with the letter A Nowhich is 11 types, adding that influenza viruses are made up of these two proteins, including many types, the most famous of which are “H1N1”which caused the 2009 pandemic, explaining that there is avian flu 1H5N And many other types, explaining that swine flu is seasonal flu, which is called H1N1.

He said the flu has many symptoms, ranging from mild to moderate to severe, and the symptoms are sore throat, dry cough, body pain, runny nose and high fever.

He added that the most susceptible to complications influence They are children under 5 years old, the elderly, pregnant women, people with chronic illnesses, patients with liver and kidney disorders, immune system disorders, or those taking cortisone and suffering from flu complications, explaining that the vaccination can be given to anyone, but it is recommended that these groups receive the vaccination because complications and pneumonia can occur and can lead to respiratory failure and cause very many deaths.

There are 5 steps that need to be taken into consideration when catching the flu which are:

1. Isolate at home to prevent transmission of infection.

2. Do not touch the eyes, mouth and nose, which are the places where the infection occurs, because the secretions are what transmit the infection.

3. Get plenty of rest.

4. Receive medication when needed, especially antivirals, reduce fever, drink warm liquids, and take vitamin C.

5. Do not take antibiotics unless necessary when complications or secondary bacteria develop, therefore it is preferable not to take antibiotics except when associated bacterial complications occur.

He added that to prevent infection, social distancing, hand washing and surface disinfection should be observed, as surfaces may have been touched by the patient and transmit the infection, as well as following other precautionary measures such as receiving vaccinations and wearing masks, explaining that mortality rates among children are very high, mainly because the virus is transmitted rapidly by sneezing and coughing, and infection can be avoided. The virus can be transmitted from a distance of a meter.

He said that flu symptoms start one to 4 days after infection, while the corona goes from one to 14 days, and flu symptoms appear in the form of a runny nose, body aches, high temperature and sore throat .

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