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If you have a metallic taste in your mouth you may be suffering from these diseases

Do you ever get a bitter or metallic taste? As if I had some coins in my mouth? This feeling often comes from mild and temporary problems. But it can also be a sign of serious diseases: if you have a metallic taste in your mouth, you could suffer from these diseases.

The causes of the metallic taste

If the metallic taste in your mouth is not accompanied by other symptoms, there is usually no need to worry. The reason for this strange phenomenon is probably benign. Plus, it will almost certainly pass quickly.

In many cases, the metallic taste is the alarm bell of bad oral hygiene. If you forget to brush your teeth every day, you risk suffering from infections such as gingivitis and periodontitis. Also, beware of old dentures and fillings – it may be worth replacing them, especially if they are made of amalgam.

Is your oral hygiene great? So, if you have a metallic taste in your mouth, you may be suffering from these diseases:

a) influenza states;

b) respiratory tract infections;

c) diabetes;

d) kidney and liver diseases;

e) burning mouth syndrome;

f) Sjögren’s syndrome.

Finally, the metallic taste in your mouth could herald not a disease, but a happy event. It is in fact a common symptom during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Collateral effect

Metallic taste in the mouth is also a fairly common side effect of:

a) courses of chemotherapy or radiotherapy;

b) taking medications against hypertension or antibiotics, antidepressants, flu drugs;

c) taking supplements, especially those containing zinc.

Fortunately, there are remedies to alleviate this discomfort. Candy, gum, sprays, and mouthwashes can be effective, especially if they contain xylitol or menthol. But you can also try some do-it-yourself solutions, like eating a little cinnamon or cloves or drinking orange juice. Also, cleaning your tongue might help.

In any case, if the symptom persists, you should consult with your doctor.

And to prevent seasonal ailments that can lead to this annoying problem, try one tasty salad rich in nutrients.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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