JAKARTA, HARIANHALUAN.COM – If you experience fatigue, back pain and others, you need to be alert, lest you have a vitamin D deficiency.
Keep in mind, vitamin D is a very important vitamin, because it has a powerful effect on several systems throughout the body. This type of vitamin is unlike any other, vitamin D functions like a hormone.
So what are the signs of a person lacking vitamin D?
Reported by okezone from the Health Line page, there are several risks that will be felt by someone who is deficient in vitamin D, which include:
1. Often sick
One of the most important roles of vitamin D is to keep your immune system strong, so you can fight off disease-causing viruses and bacteria.
It directly interacts with the cells responsible for fighting infection. If you get sick frequently, such as from a cold or flu, low vitamin D levels may be a contributing factor.
Several large observational studies have shown an association between deficiency and respiratory infections such as colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia.
A number of studies have found that taking vitamin D supplements at doses up to 4,000 IU daily can reduce the risk of respiratory infections.
2. Easily exhausted