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If you don’t want to have a headache, here are the foods to avoid

Migraine is a problem that affects many people. Whether it is persistent, or just temporary, it can be really annoying. And it can prevent you from working well during the day and enjoying the evening in total relaxation. And if the medicines to stop it don’t work, the night will probably be quite troubled too. But apparently there could be a remedy, and the secret lies in nutrition. In fact, if you don’t want to have a headache, here are the foods to avoid.

Expert advice to avoid headaches starting from nutrition

There are foods that should definitely be avoided if you want to get rid of that annoying headache. And to say it is a doctor the Doctor of the Simple Diagnosis and Treatment of Headache Unit of the Mondino National Neurological Institute Foundation. The scholar, in fact, has indicated some foods as highly disturbing for this type of problem. And, therefore, you should try to eliminate them from your pantries for some time. At least until the migraine is gone.

Here are the foods to avoid

Foods with complex digestion should be avoided. So olives, nuts, bread, chocolate, fried and citrus fruits are to be abandoned for a while. To leave yogurt and milk on the bench. In addition, it would be wise not to eat cured meats, aged cheeses or ready-made soups for some time. It would certainly be better, according to the Doctor, to choose dishes such as rice and pasta, perhaps with fresh legumes. Meat, juices and juices are sure to be perfect too.

You must also pay attention to how you cook. Steaming or baking is ideal for those with this problem, while boiling, embers and frying are to be set aside. So, if you don’t want to have a headache, here are the foods to avoid. Obviously, if the problem persists, the advice is to contact your doctor.


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(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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