Home » Health » If you blindly take iron supplements… beware of the side effect, “anemia” [카드뉴스] : ZUM News

If you blindly take iron supplements… beware of the side effect, “anemia” [카드뉴스] : ZUM News








Anemia means that oxygen cannot be delivered smoothly throughout the body due to a reduction in red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood. When anemia occurs, symptoms such as difficulty breathing, chest pain, dizziness, fatigue, paleness and weakness appear.

The most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency. In this case, if you take iron supplements, the hemoglobin level in the blood returns to normal and anemia is reduced. However, you should not blindly take iron supplements just because you have anemia. If you take too many iron supplements without recognizing the exact cause, side effects such as constipation or heartburn can occur, and in severe cases, problems such as liver disease or diabetes can occur.

According to the cause, anemia can be divided into megaloblastic, aplastic, and hemolytic. Therefore, if you have anemia, you should visit a medical center to check your health status and get appropriate treatment for each type. Article = Health and Medical Reporter Hidoc Sejin Ahn ([email protected])

Choi Jae-ah, Hidoc Health and Medical Reporter [email protected]

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2024-08-11 02:00:00

#blindly #iron #supplements.. #beware #side #effect #anemia #카드뉴스 #ZUM #News

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