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if you are this age you can eat all these foods

To manage diabetes over the age of forty, it is important to eat a healthy diet and maintain a balanced lifestyle. As with any other chronic condition, there will be days when your blood sugar is high or low. There will be times when you have the feeling of giving up or leaving the road completely. However, with the right information and a support system, it is possible to learn how to eat properly and manage the disease.

After the age of forty with diabetes: how to eat a balanced breakfast

Eating a balanced breakfast can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. If you’re trying to lose weight, you can avoid bacon and eggs, croissants and cookies and try a bowl of oatmeal with berries. If you’re looking to gain weight, try a bowl of oatmeal topped with a serving of whole-grain toast.

When you have diabetes, eating a high-fiber breakfast can help manage your blood sugar. Breakfasts rich in fiber help slow down digestion and therefore prevent glycemic peaks. Try adding flaxseed to yogurt or cereals, or just increase your intake of high-fiber foods, such as whole grain bread, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables.

Never skip meals because according to experts this equates to raising blood sugar levels. People with diabetes who skip meals regularly may experience higher blood sugar levels. Aim for three meals a day and a few healthy snacks between meals. Avoid eating too close to bedtime, as this can lead to weight gain and impaired glycemic control.

Nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, fish, poultry, and eggs are all good sources of protein. If you don’t like protein, you can add tofu, seitan, or mushrooms, legumes, nuts and seeds to your diet. Whole grains, such as oats, quinoa, and brown rice, have a low glycemic response, which means they digest more slowly and don’t cause blood sugar spikes. They can be used instead of white flour products.

Fruits, vegetables and fats

Compared to people who ate fewer fruits and vegetables, those who ate more had a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is especially evident for raw vegetables. Healthy fats, on the other hand, contribute to weight loss and glycemic control. For example, avocado, almond and walnut, coconut or olive oil are great options.

When we add healthy fats to the diet, we are effectively working to lower fasting blood glucose levels. This is particularly important for the over 40 age group. Beyond this range, maximum attention must be paid to glycemic peaks which can be very dangerous especially during the summer season.

For this reason, following the advice expressed here by doctors can ensure a healthy life and a balanced diet capable of providing all the energy we need.

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