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“If You Are the One”: Overcoming Long-Distance Relationships and Two-Way Love

  China Entertainment Network News www.yule.com.cn “Love can turn mountains and seas, and make mountains and seas level.” Although the love words are touching, love will inevitably encounter practical problems. Tonight (November 25) on “If You Are the One”, the topic of long-distance relationships is once again a hot topic. Three teachers suggested: Being in a different place is not scary. What is scary is falling in love without warmth. Only by running in both directions can we overcome the distance of time and space. “When I like you, I become less like myself, and when I don’t like you, I become myself again.” Another male guest said: “Excessive pursuit will make people lose themselves. The relationship I hope is a benign two-way relationship.” Run toward, rather than continually tempted and tested.”

  “Love can turn mountains and seas, and mountains and seas can be leveled.” Only by running in both directions can we overcome the distance of time and space.

Male guest Ouyang Buyi studied economics for his undergraduate degree at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His grades have always been among the top three in his grade. Various scholarships basically cover tuition and most living expenses. Now he works as a department manager at a financial institution in Hong Kong. Female guest Luo Yuerong expressed her kindness: “I am in Shenzhen and live in Nanshan. I can see Hong Kong from my home. We are alumni. This year is celebrating our 60th anniversary. You are welcome to go back to your alma mater!”

Distance is a topic that can never be avoided in Ouyang Buyi’s relationship. “I always feel that as long as two people’s hearts are together, it doesn’t matter if they are separated by thousands of rivers and mountains, but the reality is not that simple. My first love was in school. She was simple and motivated. , shining in my eyes, love is very sweet, but faced the test of reality when I graduated. She firmly wanted to go back to Shanghai, and I wanted to stay in Hong Kong. I thought distance was not a problem but it became the biggest problem. In the end, I was helpless. We broke up. After working, I dated a girl from Guangzhou. The high-speed train was the magpie bridge for us to meet, but the distance between us still created a gap between us. No matter what, I still firmly believe that love can turn over mountains and seas, and all mountains and seas can be leveled. If we meet again in the future When encountering insurmountable objective conditions, I will definitely do my best to take care of you and accompany you.” Female guest Liu Zheng said: “In a long-distance relationship, I think the most important thing is to go in both directions, and we must come up with something together. Attitude, we need to plan for the future of both people.”

“Long-distance love” has always been a hot topic on the stage of “If You Are the One”. Three teachers suggested: Long-distance love is not scary, but love without warmth is what scares you. First of all, we should try our best to increase the chances of meeting each other, and give more care and greetings to each other when we can’t see each other, so that the other party can always feel the warmth of love; secondly, long-distance lovers are more likely to have misunderstandings, so they must take the initiative to communicate Communicate with each other, report more about your travel situation, share your daily emotions, and resolve misunderstandings in time; in addition, look for more opportunities to create a little surprise and romance for the other party, so that the other party can feel your care and attention. If possible, it is best to end the off-site status as soon as possible. In the final analysis, two people must love each other, work hard together, and get closer together with firm belief. Only by running in both directions can the distance of time and space be overcome.

The female guest Fu Yang insisted on leaving the light until the end, and Ouyang Buyi’s favorite girl was revealed. Everyone was surprised: “It was Luo Yuerong who took the initiative to show his affection! They are both the same age, one majored in finance and the other economics, and they are also alumni, and they are special We can chat!” Between the girl who keeps the lights on and the girl who is attracted to her, how will the male guest choose?

  “When I like you, I become less like myself, and when I don’t like you, I become myself again.”

Male guest Cao Yang is an entrepreneur of an Internet technology company, mainly engaged in pet care. “I have a special affection for small animals. Ten years ago, I picked up a little white dog with a broken spine. I took it back and took care of it for three years.” It took him a few months to get well. He stayed with me every day and knew my preferences. Then he ran away and never came back. After that, I never found the mutual dependence with other pets like the little white dog. Now I put its portrait on the car body, hoping that it can always accompany me.” The female guest Zhang Jingyi was uncharacteristically aloof and showed her love by flashing lights: “I think the male guest is a relatively emotionally stable person, and then so I like small animals and are very loving!”

Emotionally, Cao Yang once fell into a love cycle. “I pursued three girls who I thought were pretty good, but all of them were rejected. However, after giving up, they would pursue me again, but I couldn’t accept it anymore.” He believes that whether he can pursue the person he likes has no necessary relationship with the length of pursuit. “My pursuit is only for a period of time, and my confession is only once. I don’t enjoy the feeling of long-term ambiguity. When I like you, I become Unlike myself, I was myself again when I didn’t like you. Excessive pursuit will make people lose themselves and lose the shining points they should have. When I meet the person I like, I will bravely express my feelings, and I will be disappointed if I don’t get a response. I won’t get entangled anymore. The relationship I hope is a benign two-way relationship, rather than constant trials and tests.”

The girl Cao Yang recommends is revealed to be Wang Mengyao, who is also eager to go both ways in love. “The two people have very complementary personalities and can interact well. Together they will be a particularly warm and romantic couple.” Zhang Jingyi, a popular girl, continues to express her love. Said: “The male guest is my ideal type. What I want to find is a loving and emotionally stable partner. In addition, my personality is a bit indecisive, but the male guest is particularly decisive, and we complement each other very well.” Faced with such a difficult choice, , how will the male guest decide in the end? Tonight (November 25) at 20:30, please look forward to Jiangsu Satellite TV’s “If You Are the One”!

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