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If we often have a cold, it can be because we sleep little

If we often have a cold, it can be because we sleep little. Sleeping little or sleeping badly, in fact, are deleterious for our body. We don’t find out anything. According to the doctors, each of us should sleep at least 6 hours a night, but the ideal would be 8. This would allow the mind and body to recover the efforts of the day and to better prepare the next one. One mistake we should definitely not make is to underestimate the potential harm of not sleeping. We naively tend to think that sleeping too little only leads to nervousness, tiredness and short temper. Wrong, because for example if we often have a cold it can be because we sleep little.

The link between sleep and disease

Recent studies have shown that poor sleep lowers the immune system. Indeed, in the human samples tested, those who slept less than 6 hours a night incurred colds and coughs with a percentage four times greater than those who slept 8. The explanation is entirely scientific: the white blood cells take advantage of sleep to reproduce and balance themselves inside our body. White blood cells are primarily responsible for creating and maintaining immune defenses. So according to this study: less sleep, more ailments! It should also be said that having a habit of sleeping little, however, can lead to weakening the organism, exposing it to external agents.

Beware of all the damage of not sleeping

So if we often have a cold it can be because we sleep little, but being careful that it could be the lesser evil. Here are all the possible damages of those who sleep little:

  • – Increased stress
  • – Concentration problems
  • – Memory lapses
  • – Strong headaches
  • – Vomiting and nausea
  • – Susceptibility to noise and lights
  • – Mood disorders
  • – Heart problems

And this last item, due to its importance, deserves a separate chapter.

Those who sleep less risk more

All medical studies converge on this thesis: sleeping little exposes us and heart attacks and strokes. This happens because blood pressure increases, and with it all related risks. The patients who underwent the research in question demonstrated concretely that:

  • – Sleeping little by habit exposes you to the risk of heart attacks
  • – Suffer from insomnia Chronic, on the other hand, exponentially increases the risk of stroke and ischemias.

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