finished: The Croatian Baby Lasagna, who is currently in second place in the betting to win, was not even initially selected to participate in the local Eurovision preview. It turns out that a singer named Zsa Zsa was supposed to take part earlier but withdrew from it even before he left.
According to the local regulations, four songs were chosen as a backup in case one of the artists retires from the front – and thus Baby Lasagna was chosen to participate in the end with the song “Rim Tim Tagi Dim”. Thus, in complete suddenness, he became the favorite to win in the preliminaries and then one of the favorites in the entire Eurovision.
He who does not know how to ask: The Swedish TV network. Since Sweden won the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest, the Swedish Television Network (SVT) will host the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest in the city of Malmö on its territory. The city is known for the high percentage of immigrants living there (about 40% of all city residents), and for being one of the most pro-Palestinian cities in Europe.
After the outbreak of the war between Israel and Hamas and the differences of opinion on the burning issue of “Israel’s participation in the Eurovision Song Contest”, sources in the television network admitted that the choice of the city of Malmö to host Eurovision Song Contest 2024 turned out to be a mistake in retrospect. Oopsyyyy.
Malmö, Sweden, the host of Eurovision Photo: Shutterstock
one who knows?
one: One hurricane that will sweep Europe and the world this May (and who cares if the ranking table shows otherwise?).
two: Two Israeli representatives! The first is, of course, Israel’s representative Eden Golan, and the second is Tali Golargant, Luxembourg’s representative.
three: Three bands will participate in the upcoming Eurovision – Gåte from Norway, 5minust&Puuluup from Estonia and Megara from San Marino.
Four: The amount of Israel’s wins in the competition so far (Yazhar Cohen with “Avnivi”, the milk and honey band with “Hallelujah”, Dana International with “Diva” and Neta Barzilai with “TOY”). Will the number increase again this year? Aman Sala.
five: Exactly five decades since Abba won the Eurovision Song Contest with the song “Waterloo”, and how symbolic it is that this year the Eurovision Song Contest returns to the mother country, Sweden (and it’s a pity that a hysterical reunion is not expected on stage).
six: Six countries automatically qualify for the grand final – the host country (Sweden) and the five countries responsible for the main funding of the competition: Spain, Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany.
seven: The first semi-final will be held on May 7.
eight: Our representative Eden Golan is now placed eighth in the betting tables for winning.
nine: The second semi-final will be held on May 9, in which the representative of Israel will compete.
ten: “Top 10”, i.e. the first ten places in the competition that many countries aspire to reach, because if not to win – then at least to secure a respectable place.
eleven: Final day of the competition for 2024, May 11.
Twelve: Dozepoa! 12 points This is the maximum score a song can receive from a judge or audience in a certain country.
And it’s true, the song goes on for thirteen, but we had no idea – so we’ll end by wishing Eden, that at least 13 countries will give her a doze poa! Come on, representing Israel in a year like this is not an easy task. Aden is sent to a country with a hostile environment, after a never-ending Shir saga and a lot of threats she received just for being Israeli. Whether she conquers Europe or not, just facing the haters is a sweet victory in itself. They tried to kill and lose and destroy, and we are still here.