Home » today » News » “If they are rich they are at risk, if they are poor they are not”: the unprecedented declaration of the governor of Puebla, Miguel Barbosa, about the coronavirus

“If they are rich they are at risk, if they are poor they are not”: the unprecedented declaration of the governor of Puebla, Miguel Barbosa, about the coronavirus

Miguel Barbosa, Governor of Puebla, said that the poor of Mexico did not have to worry about the coronavirus, since they, unlike the wealthy, were immune to COVID-19.

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The official said this ironic comment while his team gave the progress of the epidemic in the entity, which until the last cut recorded 38 confirmed cases, two already considered within the community transmission.

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Most (of those infected) are well-off people, eh, do they know it or not? If you are rich you are at risk, if you are poor, no, the poor are immune“Were the words of the governor.

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In response, hundreds of users came at him and called him a liar for assuming himself poor. And it is that different media in the country have pointed it out for being anything but a person with limited resources. An investigation of The financial He assured that Barbosa had income of up to 3.6 million pesos when he was a senator.

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The controversy occurs in a country where there are 52,000,000 people who are poor, almost half of the population. And where 25,000,000 Mexicans do not have basic services such as electricity and water, according to data collected by Coneval (National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy).

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As of Wednesday, six deaths and 405 Covid-19 suspects have been reported in Mexico.

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The Mexican health authorities anticipate that the pandemic of Covid-19 coronavirus in the country it will be very long: It could last until October and have its highest peak of infections in August.

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Just this Tuesday, the Mexican government declared phase 2 of the coronavirus pandemic, when there is community transmission, and predicted that the outbreak will spread slowly, making it affordable for the health system.

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Mexico’s economy is in a technical recession and the peso is facing a sharp drop. Although on the other hand, gasoline prices have been progressively falling.

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According to estimates by economic analysts and some international banks, the Mexican economy will drop at least 4% this year, but if the government does not take measures to alleviate the crisis, the fall may be greater, since many companies will fail.

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The Canacope leader warned that the emergency in Mexico will cause the closure of at least 44,000 small and medium businesses in CDMX, because they are not prepared for it.

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He estimated that the absence of people and the temporary closure of some places could culminate in the loss of around 250,000 jobs.

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