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“If there is internet, you work from anywhere”

Although he is a lover of nature and of Galicia, the land of his ancestors, until 2019 Rafael Pardo, 37, was a full-fledged urbanite. Not surprisingly, he was born in Mexico City, where he spent the first 20 years of his life, and, after a period of eight years in Boa Vila, where he started an Advertising company, in 2012 he ended up in the largest city of Europe: London. “It was an emotional decision. I was going for a month and I stayed for eight years,” says Rafael.

In the British capital he continued his career in the world of advertising, in addition to trying his luck in the real estate sector, but two years ago, motivated in part by the proximity of Brexit and its consequences for emigrants, he decided to take another radical turn to his life and changed the hustle and bustle of london, a city of nine million inhabitants, for the tranquility of the Pontevedra municipality of A Lama, of just 2,400. Specifically, Rafael settled in the small village of The Pellet, where, according to their calculations, less than 30 residents reside. “In London I was doing very well, really, but the earth has always thrown me a lot And in the business that I am in, which is creative, I don’t have to be physically with people. What is called ‘remote working’ works, the ‘nomadic offices’. With your computer and your mobile phone you can work from anywhere in the world, as long as there is one Internet connection. My team, in fact, is scattered everywhere. I have people in London, Madrid, Miami … “, he explains.” It is true that in big cities you have everything: movies, shows … The city never sleeps, but here you have quality of life -he emphasizes-. When I lived in London I would eat breakfast and sometimes eat. If I had time, I would stop by McDonalds … “.

Although he came from London “with nothing”, thanks to the Entrepreneur Return Aid line received 7,000 euros with which he was able to buy the necessary technological equipment to start up the Raphsomar firm, specialized in marketing and production of content through videos. “Although mobile coverage comes and goes, there is a landline and the internet works perfectly, so I do not put any ‘but’ to live in the rural area. In fact, I think that most of the people in my sector, who used to be in the big cities and paid a fortune to be in the center, are now going to rural areas because you work much better, the quality of life is much higher and ideas flow much more, “he emphasizes.” give incentives for people to go to villages“, he concludes.

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