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“If the number of new patients were to be too high, the date of lifting of confinement could be questioned”

In France, the rules for deconfinement in companies are becoming clearer

Companies wishing to resume their activity on May 11 will have to respect universal rules, ranging from distancing to disinfection passing in some cases by the supply of masks, we learned Sunday from the Ministry of Labor.

According to a “Deconfinement protocol” unveiled by The Sunday Journal ((JDD), the content of which has been confirmed to AFP, employers will have the obligation to comply with these measures, regardless of the size and location of their business. In the event of non-compliance with these rules, employers will incur civil and criminal liability.

Among the measures adopted by the Ministry is the establishment of a minimum space of 4 m2 per employee in shops and offices, including elevators. If this rule cannot be implemented, the company will be forced to provide masks to its employees. The premises, toilets and door handles must also be disinfected every day, or even several times a day, and the security gates must be condemned. If this is not possible, hydroalcoholic gel should be offered nearby.

The taking of temperature, considered too intrusive, on the other hand cannot be imposed by companies, as well as campaigns to screen for coronavirus. ” The essential resumption of activity must necessarily be articulated with the protection of employees ”, justified the Ministry of Labor, which plans to publish the entire deconfinement plan by Monday morning.

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