Home » today » World » If the ITN fails to pass a cabinet, the BSP can leave part of the official cabinet as a programmatic one – 2024-04-23 21:41:55

If the ITN fails to pass a cabinet, the BSP can leave part of the official cabinet as a programmatic one – 2024-04-23 21:41:55

/ world today news/ After the consultations of “There is such a people” less optimism and a new forecast:

Full records of the 18 of the incoming government who were announced by name only

“Plamen Nikolov” government – either with a quadruple coalition ITN + DB + Maya + the Reds, or with clear help from DPS

Borisov surprised: All his 63 deputies will be in the hall and will vote “against”

On the part of Democratic Bulgaria, they estimated the chance to vote “for” at no more than 50%

Official silence came from BSP, “Democratic Bulgaria” and “Stand up BG! We are coming!”, after Slavi Trifonov’s screenwriters invited them for consultations. Not a single definite answer “Yes” or “No” was heard for the future government.

Immediately after the conclusion of the three meetings, Prime Minister nominee Plamen Nikolov read to the journalists the list of ministers from his eventual government.

At the third, last meeting – the one with the BSP, ITN shared their concern that the so-called parties of the protest are literally divided into 3 camps and it is extremely unpredictable whether and what support Plamen Nikolov will receive in the plenary hall.

In the otherwise modest parliamentary group of “Stand Up BG”, which has 13 deputies, there were three centers of influence. The first was around Tatyana Doncheva, the second around Arman Babikyan and the lawyer Nikolay Hadjigenov, and Maya Manolova was by herself.

At the same time, GERB hardened its position. All 63 deputies will be in the hall and vote against, so that there is no doubt that they are supporting the cabinet, explained leader Boyko Borisov.

Thus, the chances of the cabinet passing without the votes of DB and IBGNI become smaller.

It was unofficially discussed in the parliament that if the government of Plamen Nikolov does not pass, and GERB immediately returns the mandate, it is possible that the BSP will form a government for a certain period of time – between 6 months and 1 year. With clear goals and part of the ministers of the caretaker government of Stefan Yanev. Thus, there will be no elections in the fall, as is the mood in all parliamentary groups, including GERB. But the most important thing, according to deputies, is that there will not be a 2-in-1 election together with the presidential election, as Rumen Radev wishes.

However, what are the chances of “There is such a people” to realize the mandate given by the head of state to Plamen Nikolov.

This percentage was indicated by the deputy head of the DB parliamentary group, Vladislav Panev, after the meeting with ITN. From DB demonstratively sent him and Tsetska Bachkova, and the co-presidents

Hristo Ivanov and

Atanas Atanasov

were absent

However, they came later to the parliament for a meeting of the group and Ivanov explained that “they do not take part in dramatizations”.

Panev said that the ministers did not comment at the meeting after their presentation. He refused an opinion even on the candidacy of Petar Iliev for the position of Minister of the Interior, with whom the DB had already expressed disagreement while he was nominated for prime minister. (

There are a few days until the deadline for handing in the mandate –

as seen

from the actions of

IT, it is possible

to suffer


commented Panev. And he explained that the names can be discussed until the moment of voting in the plenary hall. We will decide on the basis of both the names and the priorities, said the MP from DB. On Wednesday, when the cabinet will probably be voted on, we will make the final decision on support, Hristo Ivanov explained later.

We asked ITN to submit a management program. They have confirmed that they have one that has only the main priorities exported for now, but we will get the main version, added Tsetska Bachkova. She reminded that the ITNs offer a minority government.

However, there was no talk of an agreement at the meeting, this was to be discussed yet. Priorities were discussed – justice and judicial reform, education and social policy.

The disadvantages are that there are still unresolved issues from the meetings of the working groups. There must be a written document to confirm the commitments, commented Panev. There will be a written document from their side, he added.

A lot

more silent

it was this time

Maya Manolova

She and her deputies did not demonstrate satisfaction with the way the meeting with ITN went, on the contrary. They announced that they would make a decision after a meeting of their parliamentary group. We will decide before the completion of the parliamentary procedure, said Manolova succinctly.

People in the know said that at the meeting of the group, most of the deputies from IBGNI were against giving immediate support to the ITN cabinet. Their opinion prevailed and everyone will think until the last moment – before the vote in the plenary hall.

Those present at the meetings said that

all the ministers



with slides

with photo and

short words

describing candidates as undisputed experts. None were presented with a detailed biography. Nor have the other groups received a full list of names.

ITN showed us a multimedia presentation, with two lines for each candidate, we watched it and left, Nikolay Hadzhigenov from IBGNI later revealed. He admitted that some of the candidates were completely unknown to him.

There are chances to support the “Ima talik narod” cabinet. We will also discuss people because we entered politics for certain reasons. We must defeat the enemy because corruption is still a fact. It’s a complicated, difficult war that we have to fight.” Khadzhigenov explained to BNT. And added that

everyone in the group

will decide for them


how to vote

However, the condition of IBGNI was categorical – to sign an agreement that would give guidelines on what the government would do.

The meeting between ITN and BSP lasted the longest, and after it the leader Cornelia Ninova explained that the talks will continue in the following days to specify what form of political agreement on priorities will be worked out. The National Council of the Reds will meet today and make a decision.

Ninova was categorical that the decision of the 130-year-old party does not depend on that of DB and IBGNI.

We have been running a GERD policy for over 5 years, she said. I do not see any “long arms” in the way the government is presented, nor in its structure, Ninova said regarding the concerns of the DB and IBGNI about the long arm of the DPS behind the cabinet.

The names will not be changed, ITN was categorical after the meetings. Prime Minister candidate Plamen Nikolov explained that there were no personal objections to the proposed ministers. And he was optimistic that he felt support from the other groups.

We have presented the draft composition of the cabinet, but we have not discussed it with the three parties. This meeting was not about who should enter, there will be no changes, the deputy head of ITN Toshko Yordanov is also firm.

At the very beginning after the elections, we said that



I will not

let’s sign

We are not a coalition, this is not a coalition government, he added.

There is absolutely no agreement on a common document for everyone to sign. You will see what we will do, said Yordanov succinctly.

2+1 Plamenovtsi, 8 of the old names, 6 women in the office. Selected by 12 noon on Monday

Three Idesi will fight in the coming days for support from the other political forces in order to find a place in the “Nikolov” cabinet. First among them is the nominee for Prime Minister – Plamen Nikolov. Fiery, but Abrovski, is the proposal of Slavi’s people for Minister of Agriculture and Food. The third with this name bears the surname Danailov and is the proposal for one of the most important positions in the state – that of finance.

Before the announcement of the new 18 ministers in the “Nikolov” draft cabinet, a real circus took place in the parliament yesterday. All day long, Toshko Yordanov, Filip Stanev and Stanislav Balabanov from ITN walked around with importance, but they kept the names of their ministers secret with the explanation that they must first present them to the three parliamentary groups. Prime Minister nominee Plamen Nikolov was repeatedly literally chased around the sidelines of the parliament by the media. Initially, he explained that he had selected the ministers until 12 o’clock on Monday, then – that they were experts. In the meantime, he announced that he had brought all the diplomas to the parliament and wanted to show them to the media himself.

He finally announced them on crack after the meetings were over. And unprecedentedly, he quickly read the names to the media from the stairs, on the way down from the meeting room.

Slavi Trifonov’s party this time bet on names from its ranks in the parliament. 7 of the deputies from the 46th National Assembly prefer to replace the banks with ministerial seats – Plamen Danailov, Silvi Kirilov, Momchil Ivanov, Radostin Vasilev, Ivaylo Kozhuharov, Plamen Nikolov and Plamen Abrovski.

8 are also the names that appeared in the “Nikolai Vassilev” design office. However, two of them have been proposed for other departments after the reshuffles of the last few days. Petar Iliev, who was the Minister of Justice in the first version of the ITN cabinet, will now take over the Ministry of the Interior. A few days ago, he was appointed prime minister. Velislava Petrova, who was originally supposed to be the Minister of Health, but on Tuesday was appointed Minister of Education. The others who retain their nominations are Radi Naydenov, Ivaylo Kozhuharov, Plamen Abrovski, Teodora Genchovska, Radostin Vasilev and Antonia Valentinova.

And in the second attempt for Slavi’s office, there are 6 women.

#ITN #fails #pass #cabinet #BSP #leave #part #official #cabinet #programmatic

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