It is not an easy time for Italy and consequently it is not an easy time for Rai either. The programs are likely to undergo disruptions due to the protocols for the Covid emergency which continues to keep everyone in suspense. With bated breath on Rai1 they were also for a few days because of the conditions of Carlo Conti, who has been hospitalized for a few days and fortunately seems to be on the way to recovery. In Viale Mazzini they are anxious about the running of Tale and Quali Show, whose last two episodes will hardly see the main conductor on the track. However, Conti proved to be a true leader and to have built an excellent team that, when needed, took the field without hesitation and the ratings rewarded the effort. Two episodes ago he led from home, in the last one he certainly couldn’t do it from the hospital. Conti, hopefully, can be run – perhaps remotely – for the last episode. Certainly not for the next one which will continue with the Goggi-Salemme-Panariello trio.
It is the next commitment of the conductor who if anything risks having complications. Hopefully not for Conte’s health – given that Affari Tuoi should be on the air in January – but for the suffocating protocols and the budget that haunt the thoughts of the director of the flagship network, Stefano Coletta. In fact, Rai is still waiting for the extra revenue from the fee promised by the government. It is money that weighs heavily on the budget. And if they do not arrive, production cuts become inevitable. Another season of reruns, Rai and its viewers just don’t deserve it.
Last update: Saturday 7 November 2020, 21:51