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If Taiwan goes to war, the impact on Indonesia is more powerful than the Ukraine war


When the situation in Ukraine still volatile, the situation in East Asia is heating up. Condition in Taiwan vulnerable to war. Without underestimating the humanitarian situation in Ukraine, experts predict the war in Taiwan could have a more devastating impact than the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Indonesia can also be affected by the sap.

detik.com asked the UI Professor of International Law as well as the Chancellor of the University General Ahmad Yani, Wisdom of Juwanaas well as an international relations expert from Padjadjaran University, Teuku Rezasyah.

“The impact will be more devastating. The impact on Indonesia is greater because our trade relations with Taiwan and China are higher,” said Teuku Rezasyah, sharing his perspective with detik.comFriday (5/8/2022).



Indonesia clearly has economic relations with the People’s Republic of China (PRC), as well as Taiwan. Taiwan is a producer of technology products whose role is vital to the world, including Indonesia. Taiwan has the ability to produce chip, microprocessors, and information-technology products, are no less advanced than South Korea and Japan. There are also many Indonesians in Taiwan.

“There are 300 thousand Indonesian citizens (WNI) in Taiwan who must be protected. That’s tough,” added Reza. Many Indonesian citizens make a living in Taiwan. The amount has not been calculated with family members in the country that they have to live with.

Seconds China Fires Rockets into the Taiwan Strait (Photo: 20 seconds)

Reza explained that Taiwan has always been on war alert with China since 1949, after China was controlled by the Communist Party led by Mao Zedong. Taiwanese citizens also undergo military service. Taiwan then received support from the United States (US). And now, 2022, the situation is heating up after Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, visits.

“If there is an attack from China, there will be a terrible retaliation. If the Javanese say, die one die all (if one dies, all will die),” said Rezasyah.

Hikmahanto Juwana assessed that this potential conflict arose because of the actions of the United States (US) through the visit of Nancy Pelosi. US actions will harm many parties.

“Due to the provocations carried out by the US, the world will be greatly affected,” said Hikmahanto.

China could have an alliance with Russia against the US. But he predicts that the US will not be directly involved in the war if China and Taiwan really do go to war.

“The US, like in Ukraine, will only supply weapons, money, and invite its allies to carry out an economic embargo,” Hikmahanto said.

China, whose capital is Beijing, regards Taiwan as a province that must be reunited. However, Taiwan, whose capital city is Taipei, clearly already has a President and declares itself to be a sovereign country, whose name is the Republic of China (Republic of China/ROC), separate from the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Watch the video ‘5 Dimensions of the Chinese Armed Forces Surround Taiwan in 6 Corners’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

Furthermore, how should Indonesia behave?:

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