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if Russian nuclear trains threaten Ukraine – UNIAN

As a rule, PZHRKs are disguised as refrigerators or passenger sleeping cars.

There are two types of so-called “nuclear“trains that were created in the days of the Soviet Union.

Military expert Oleg Zhdanov said this in an interview. UNIAN.

The first type is truly prepared for nuclear strikes.

“There are two types of trains that belong to the nuclear forces control system. The first is a ballistic train complex, consisting of 7 carriages. As a rule, they are disguised as refrigerators or passenger sleeping cars. There is such a division of the armed forces. Russian, is located in Nizhny Tagil. They have a depot where these RVRKs are, “explained Zhdanov.

The minimum launch range of this missile is 5-6 thousand km, so it is absurd to take it to the borders of Ukraine, the expert noted. If Russia wants to hit Ukraine, it will do so from Tagil too.

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The second type of special train is a mobile command post for the control of nuclear forces, which does not carry a nuclear warhead.

“These are armored cars. There is a means of communication for control. In Soviet times, the command could go from Moscow for this train to Yekaterinburg. And during the movement, control the troops and forces. Including nuclear ones.” said the expert.

There are no other nuclear trains today. But their use is more like a bluff, Zhdanov said.

“We need to keep track of the information of Western partners. The fact is that all storage sites, and there are about 12 of them, on the territory of Russia have been verified and all are located beyond the Urals. As soon as the movement of some kind of nuclear warhead, Western intelligence will know, “Zhdanov added.

The expert considers the variant of a US preemptive strike on the convoy, which will try to launch this nuclear warhead, quite realistic: “If Russia can also launch a tactical nuclear attack, it will be a serious loss of image for the United States and NATO”.

He is also convinced that Russia has already been explained what consequences await it in the event of the use of nuclear weapons.

“I am absolutely sure that even skeptics like Macron and Scholz, who, as I understand it, in the depths of their souls, are probably still hoping to reach an agreement with Putin, will hardly agree with the emergence of a new Chernobyl at the center. of the European continent with all the ensuing consequences. It would be nice if the press replied and remembered where the first fallout went after the Chernobyl explosion. It rained in Holland, “added Zhdanov.

The threat of a Russian nuclear attack: what is known

On 21 September, Russian President Vladimir Putin, together with the announcement of the partial mobilization in the country threatened the West with nuclear weapons.

This was followed by the Kremlin’s attempts annex the captured Ukrainian regions. In this context, Russian officials began to declare that the Russian Federation would use nuclear weapons in the event of an invasion of its territory.

However, the results of the pseudo-referendum do not recognizeand the United States and allies agreed that Ukraine should unemploy the territories conquered by Moscow.

Western analysts agree with the statement that nuclear blackmail rather indicates the difficult situation in which the Russian military found itself on the battlefield.

At the same time, Ukrainian intelligence admit that the Russian Federation can use weapons of mass destruction. Already USA threatened with “catastrophic consequences”if Putin decides to do so.

In total, according to the Institute for the Study of War, there are only them two options for the use of nuclear weapons: at the forefront and a massive attack across Ukraine. However, none of them will give Russia a real advantage on the battlefield, as the RF militaries in their current state are simply not able to fight in a radiation-affected area and the attacks themselves will not allow them to fully capture the Ukraine.

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