Home » News » If paired, Mohammad Firdaus and Wahyuddin Mapparenta will be Bacabup Takalar with the highest electability according to the SII survey

If paired, Mohammad Firdaus and Wahyuddin Mapparenta will be Bacabup Takalar with the highest electability according to the SII survey

FAJAR.CO.ID, JAKARTA — The Saoraja Institute Indonesia (SII) Survey Institute released the results of a public perception survey regarding the electability of the 2024 Regent-Deputy Regent Candidates for Takalar Regency which will be held next November.

In the release, several names of Takalar figures or figures were found who had the opportunity to receive good electoral support from the public. For regent candidates, several names have high electability (top 3), including Mohammad Firdaus Daeng Manye with 14.7%, followed by Hengky Yasin 12.5%, Ahmad Daeng Tonang 7.3%.

The middle board has the names Indar Jaya with 5.5%, Makmur Mustakim with 4.3%, Wahyuddin Mapparenta with 4.1%, Fakhruddin Rangga, Achmad Daeng Se’re, and Syamsari Kitta with the same percentage of 3.3%. Then on the bottom board there are the names Faisal Amir with 1.3%, M Amin Yakub Dg Nyau and Isnan Dahir Rani with 1.1% each. Respondents who didn’t know/did not answer were 38.2%.

The Executive Director of the Saoraja Institute Indonesia, Amul Hikmah Budiman, in his statement (07/04/2024) stated that the survey was carried out randomly on 410 respondents spread across 12 sub-districts proportionally. The method used is Multistage Random Sampling with a confidence level of 95 percent, margin of error of approximately 5 percent. The survey took place March 27 to April 03, 2024.

“The names of the figures who have appeared have been widely distributed as props and have been directly disseminated in the community, especially in this Ramadan momentum, figures who have a good electoral level are indeed going on massive safaris with their teams to the community,” he said in an official statement. which was received by the editorial team at dawn.co.id, Sunday (8/4/2024).

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