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“If legal votes count, I win”

“If you count the legal votes, I win easily. If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal our elections.” Donald Trump shows up in the press room, speaks for 16 minutes without accepting questions and claims victory in the US presidential election. “I would like to update the American people on our efforts to protect the integrity of the elections,” the president said. “We are checking, many votes have come late. I have already won many crucial states, even with overwhelming wins. I have achieved historic victories, the polls have been completely wrong and have interfered with the vote, they have been designed to hold on to house our constituents, “he says.

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“The polls tried to suppress the vote. They predicted I would lose in Florida, but I won instead. They predicted my defeat by 4 points in Ohio, I won by 8 points. They predicted my large defeat in Wisconsin, there it’s a heads up. They’re trying to steal our elections, they’re trying to rig them and we can’t allow it, “says Trump, who reiterates his intention to block the count of” late votes “. “There was no blue wave, there was a red wave,” he adds, referring to the results of Democrats and Republicans.

“There are few states that have to finish the counting of votes. We were winning in all the key states, then miraculously our numbers started to drop. All this in secret, they did not allow observers to be present. We went to court. , the observers entered but remained at a distance. There was a lack of transparency in this process, I had already talked about the postal vote: a corrupt system “, he adds.

“We were well ahead in North Carolina on election night and we’re still ahead, but by a smaller margin because all of a sudden the ballots arrive in the mail, all sent to one side,” he says with an overview of a number of states. “I won clearly in Pennsylvania and now the advantage is only 90,000 votes, these ballots arrive: they find them everywhere and they don’t want observers to be there, even if according to a judge there should be. We just want the counting of the ballots to be observed. In Georgia I won clearly on election night and here too the advantage dropped and now I could also be at a disadvantage. In Michigan we won, the same in Wisconsin. We are close to victory in Arizona, our forecasts are positive “, continues the president.

“I have never seen so much love, so much affection and so much support. People are what is going on, they see it. There are lawsuits going on, they are trying to steal the elections and rig them: we cannot allow that to happen. We cannot allow that in Pennsylvania voting is conditioned by fraud. It is clear that they are trying to commit fraud, “he says.

“I said these things would happen, tens of millions of ballots were sent. The signatures were not checked, it was not checked whether people could vote. Votes without postmark and without any kind of identification are calculated. They are happening. bad things, it is an unprecedented situation due to the corrupt democratic machine: there will be legal actions “, he continues referring to Pennsylvania and in particular to Philadelphia. Detroit is also being targeted, “another place that doesn’t have much of a reputation for election integrity. A large ballot center has blacked out the windows, our observers have been denied access. ballots arrived very late at 4 in the morning, with the polls closed “. “I challenge Joe and any Democrat to clarify that the only votes are legal ones, that only legal votes should be counted, we want transparency and honesty,” he concludes.

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