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If in semi-sleep we are paralyzed, we cannot move and breathe we do not panic, this is what we must do

There are several sleep disorders that can affect us, from sleep apnea, bruxism, sleepwalking,insomniabut few are as terrifying as sleep paralysis.

Nocturnal paralysis is such a widespread phenomenon that many cultures of the world have sought a way to interpret and explain them. There are those who think that these paralysis are due to the intervention of demons, supernatural creatures or even extraterrestrials. From a scientific point of view, however, sleep paralysis is now a fairly well understood phenomenon.

It mostly happens when you wake up

Sleep paralysis means the sensation of immobility, paralysis, difficulty in breathing, sense of anxiety and panic that can strike us when we fall asleep or, more often, when we wake up. The phenomenon generally lasts a few seconds, at most a couple of minutes, but it can have a profound psychological impact. But why does it happen? When we sleep, our body tends to be almost completely paralyzed, to keep us safe from any sudden movements that we may be making subconsciously. Sleep paralysis occurs when the brain wakes up, but the body is still in the state of sleep paralysis, and therefore even if we are conscious, we cannot move. But what should be done in these cases?

If in semi-sleep we are paralyzed, we cannot move and breathe we do not panic, this is what we must do

The phenomenon of sleep paralysis is very common among the population of all ages. If it happens only occasionally, or in a period of particular stress or private life upheaval, there is generally no need to worry. However, if it becomes chronic, or goes to heavily affect our quality of life, we can turn to sleep specialists who will be able to suggest a therapy.

There is a “meditation and relaxation” therapy

According to experts, the most important thing when we find ourselves suffering from sleep paralysis is not to panic. We must bear in mind that this is a very common phenomenon, and of a short duration that will soon pass. So let’s try to relax and not panic. If we are paralyzed in semi-sleep it is normal to worry, but according to the therapy of “Meditation and relaxation”instead, we should close our eyes and try to keep an emotional detachment from what is happening. Then we should try to relax the muscles. Let us remember that the episode will only last a few seconds, and soon we will regain control of our body.


Revealed the recurring dream that terrifies many of us at night and it is always the same.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)—

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