Home » today » Technology » If Germany is serious about the fight against anti-Semitism, Aydan Özogus must resign

If Germany is serious about the fight against anti-Semitism, Aydan Özogus must resign

The anti-social media is a treacherous matter. They drive us into echo chambers, create pseudo-giants and emotionalize at high speed. They shorten reality, undermine the need for recognition and encourage people to act hastily. Like, comment or forward. Posts, comments or images. And often they provide the spade with which one digs one’s own grave. Just like our Bundestag Vice President just did.

Because the SPD member of the Bundestag Aydan Özoguz has once again shown what happens when impulse control fails. If the mask slips. And with one click on social media you reveal more than you might like.

Özoguz, who holds one of the highest offices in our country as Vice President of the Bundestag, recently shared a violent, anti-Israel post in her Instagram story. This shows a fire inferno – presumably after an Israeli military strike – which is written in large letters with “This is Zionism”.

Wandering, radical-left, anti-Israel troop

Özoguz took it over from the “Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East” association. A wandering, radical-left, anti-Israel force that knows its mother ship is in the USA and that repeatedly attracts attention with its violent demonization and shameless delegitimization of Israel.

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It doesn’t matter whether this post had a short half-life because it automatically disappeared from her Instagram story after a day, or whether she quickly deleted it again because it dawned on her what she had gotten herself into with the post, doesn’t matter. Either way, it was already too late and the first MPs and media became aware of the denigrating hate post.

“This is Zionism” over the flaming inferno – the statement is unambiguous: This is what they are like, the Zionists. Bomb, destroy and murder as much as you can. And all in the name of an inhumane ideology.

The fact that Zionism is instead the political movement to preserve or defend the right of self-determination of the Jewish people in their ancient homeland, i.e. today’s Israel: a gift. The post and its message are all too clear. And that’s exactly why it was shared.

A post like this stirs up hatred not only against Israel, but also against countless Jews in Germany who see themselves as Zionists or are committed to the ideals of Zionism. Just like I do. With deep conviction and with all my heart.

Now you don’t have to like Israel. And one can condemn Israel’s military actions in Gaza and Lebanon. And you can be anti-Zionist. And therefore also anti-Semitic. All of that is possible. And much more. But if you are the Vice President of the Bundestag and therefore the deputy of the President of the Bundestag, who in turn represents Parliament and holds the second highest office in the state after the Federal President, then, yes, then the further distribution of such a post is absolutely unacceptable.

Because it is denigrating, generalizing and demonizing. And it stirs up hatred not only against Israel, but also against countless Jews in Germany who see themselves as Zionists or who have committed themselves to the ideals and self-image of Zionism. Just like I am and do. With deep conviction and with all my heart.

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This is not the first time that the Vice President of the Bundestag has shown a significant distance from the Jewish state through social media statements. But this time she went one step too far. And this time the pit she dug for herself with her anti-Zionist and anti-Israel hate posts is too deep.

Half-baked apology

The half-baked “apology” she shared on social media, which was apparently a reaction to increasing political and media pressure, doesn’t change that.

In fact, it just makes everything worse. In it she apologizes “for the fact that the shared post hurt the feelings of fellow citizens who stand for peaceful coexistence.”

Seriously? No: This is not about feelings. And it’s not just about fellow citizens either. The point is that with her contribution she sounded a loud, anti-Zionist, anti-Israel and anti-Semitic horn. And the point is that in her prominent position she has poured a full canister of oil into the blazing fire of hatred and violence that has been eating through our societies since October 7, 2023 and endangering Jews as well as Israelis and Zionists.

The fact that the Bundestag Council of Elders, which has now been hastily convened, was appeased by an “apology” from Özoguz can mean three things: Either they failed to recognize the dimension of such a demonizing contribution, which was not shared by a provincial politician, but by the Vice President of the Bundestag. Or they underestimate the level of everyday hatred that Jews or Zionists or Israelis or all three together are exposed to in everyday life in Germany. Or in the hour of probation, the political clearance for a colleague is more important to them than a clear stance in the fight against hatred of Israel and Jews.

To be honest, none of these reasons are particularly reassuring.

And it is even more worrying to see how some high-ranking SPD politicians are now rushing to the defense of their party colleagues. It wasn’t all that bad. She did apologize. Even spoke to the president of the Central Council of Jews. This is reminiscent of Hubert Aiwanger’s trip to the Jewish Canossa. As if one could make confession there and receive forgiveness in the name of German Jewry.

No. That’s not how it works. Because with her contribution, the Bundestag Vice President caused more damage than hurting the feelings of some Jews. It harms one of the closest partners, whose security should actually be German reasons of state. It damages peaceful coexistence in Germany by promoting hatred of Israel and Jews. And above all, it damages one of the highest offices in this state, which demands dignity, impartiality and integrity.

Therefore, one thing is certain: Ms. Özoguz has proven herself unfit for the high office she holds. And therefore there is only one logical consequence: an immediate resignation!

The author is chairman of the regional association of Jewish communities in Hesse and a member of the executive board of the Central Council of Jews in Germany.

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