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“If Bara Ndiaye does not stop, I will reveal the officials who manipulate him ..”

In this context, the President of the Republic, Macky Sall, is rather focused on two grandiose projects, which are the war against Covid-19 and the economic recovery plan, says Matar Diop. He thus finds the last exit of Bara Ndiaye during the JOKKO program of LERAL TV inappropriate. Indeed, the DG of the Maison de la Presse had castigated the attitude of certain officials who manipulate, he declared, a fringe of Republican youth, to initiate a debate on the succession of President Macky Sall; and had specifically quoted Minister Amadou Bâ and CESE President Mimi Touré.

An attitude that does not agree, the political leader of Touba, who finds that all those who love President Macky Sall, must at this time try to popularize rather, the many achievements of the Head of State. No one was the distant vision of President Macky Sall, the Senegalese economy was going to sink into total chaos because the Covid-19 ended, in the sub-region, completely bringing the economies to the ground.

To this end, he finds that talking about the economic and social resilience plan already successful and appreciated by the majority of Senegalese, but also the famous economic recovery plan, seems much more important than telling stories, which in the long run, hammers home. he risks completely destabilizing the presidential party. Right now, President Macky Sall needs stability in his party more than ever, so let’s avoid getting into controversy, he fulminates.

And then what is the point of always attacking the person of Amadou Bâ, he wonders. He continues, we have the impression that there are people lurking in the shadows who are behind him and have presidential ambitions lent to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, while the political leader of the clean plots has shown his commitments during the last few years. legislative and presidential elections, but also in front of everyone affirmed his unconditional support to President Macky Sall whom he considers as his political leader and that he is always ready to accompany him for the success of the PES. I warn him for one last time, if he doesn’t stop, I’m going to reveal the people in charge who are manipulating him to reach their end.

He believes, however, that there is only one leader in the RPA, The President of the Alliance For the Republic (APR), Macky Sall. We think that, we are all working for the triumph of President Macky Sall, who has finished hoisting Senegal on the ramps of emergence, so he is inadmissible at a time when he needs calm and support in his own party, that we install polemics there. Let us have confidence in President Macky Sall, and respect his choices because no one is more informed than him in this country, and he has a good command of his party and his men, he concluded.

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