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If asking for resignations is the new sport of weak parties

It has become a parlor game. In the extra-large majority each party chooses a head to cut daily. The Giallorossi (Pd, Grillini and Leu) would like to use the guillotine for the Northern League player Claudio Durigon, who came up with the bizarre idea of ​​re-titling a park in Latina to the brother of the Duce, Arnaldo Mussolini. Luciana Lamorgese, Minister of the Interior, would like Matteo Salvini on the gallows for having transformed the borders of this country into a sieve. There are countless times in which someone has asked for the dismissal of Fabiana Dadone, a voice in the government of intransigent grillism that always compromises. Not to mention the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, permanently in the eye of the storm. Or, again, by Bruno Tabacci, yet another episode of a politician engulfed by offspring.

Asking for resignations has become a sport. The beauty is that it is practiced not so much by the men of the Meloni opposition, which would be natural, as by the leaders of the majority of Draghi, which appears paradoxical. An easy sport, which costs nothing, given that in the end the only one who resigned is Renato Farina, but with a much more modest role as a collaborator of Minister Brunetta. His only fault for any newspaper is to exist.

The other candidates for the gallows, on the other hand, risk so to speak, because that spasmodic desire to cut off a head only signals a condition of impotence: given that Mario Draghi is untouchable, that a government crisis would be suicidal, the leaders of this forced majority they can only target a few unfortunates. It is the result of this strange situation that sees them inside the government, but outside the control room: thus, deprived of power, they must be satisfied with its substitute, that is, with the illusion of being able to fire the opponent who today, at least formally, are forced to have as an ally.

Instead, the strength of the premier corresponds to the powerlessness of the parties. And here we come to the other horn of the problem. Draghi could do everything right now, he could redesign this country. Instead, he must unravel the limits, the ideological taboos, the errors, sometimes the horrors, programmatic of his interlocutors. Between an effective solution and a median, that is, a compromise between the parties, it turns to the second. It happened on justice, so the referendum became the only solution. On the green pass, so without the obligation of the law we fell into total confusion. It will happen on the citizenship income. In this way we risk losing the great opportunity, because it will take fifty years before another prime minister has a favorable political situation like the one enjoyed today by Draghi. This is why the premier should be more daring: especially since for him to leave slamming the door of Palazzo Chigi would be the easiest way to open the Quirinale door.

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