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IDUL QURBAN, Tips for Consumption of Meat, Cholesterol Safe, Balance with This

SURYA.co.id I – During Eid al-Adha (Idul Qurba), the distribution of sacrificial meat is a very common sight in all villages and settlements.

Remember, in addition to having high nutrition, meat contains fat that can increase cholesterol levels in the body. Well about cholesterol is what you need to watch out for when you consume it.

No need to worry, all you need to do is keep your cholesterol under control, don’t go past normal limits. How to balance meat consumption with a number of other intakes,

1. Consumption of fruits and vegetables

When consuming beef or mutton, it should be balanced by consuming fruits and vegetables.

The reason is that fruits and vegetables have high fiber, so they can play a role in absorbing fat from meat that was previously consumed.

This was revealed by a nutritionist, Dr Samuel Oetoro, as quoted from Kompas.com (25/7/2020).

The same thing was conveyed by a clinical nutrition specialist from Hermina Ciputat Hospital, South Tangerang, Dr. Dian Permatasari.

Increasing consumption of fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious foods, is one answer to maintain cholesterol levels in the body. How did it happen? Because according to him, there are no foods that can specifically lower cholesterol levels in the body.

Lifestyle changes

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