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Idly Mix Onion in Her Mainstay Face Mask, The Next Day This Woman Was Very Excited to See Her Unexpected Face Changes – All Pages


How to deal with facial skin problems using onions

Nakita.id – For women, having facial problems is certainly something that can reduce self-confidence.

Usually, various face problem appears without predicting when it will come.

For example premature aging, acne, dark spots, dull skin, and much more.

Of course face problem This can be overcome with proper treatment.

But it turns out, not all treatments are expensive, you know Moms.

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Moms can do treatments using natural ingredients available at home.

The solution to this is to use onions.

Quote from BoldskyOnions are not only able to add flavor to dishes but also have various health benefits.

The content of onions such as antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can overcome various health problems.

Not only that, the content of onions namely flavonoids, vitamins A, C and E is very powerful solve facial problems Moms.

The content is able to protect facial skin from exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

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Overcoming facial problems with onions

Pexels/Nick Collins

Overcoming facial problems with onions

Meanwhile, antioxidants are able to clean toxins in the blood and are able to detoxify the body.

Because it can detoxify the body, the face will also brighten by itself.

Onions are also able to prevent premature aging because of the sulfur content in it.

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Vitamin C in onions is also effective in disguise blemishes and skin pigmentation.

But, how to use it?

Here’s how to use onions in accordance with the skin problems experienced.

1. Get rid of acne

Prepare a finely chopped onion and mix one tablespoon of finely chopped onion and one tablespoon of olive oil.

Mix well and apply to the pimple on the face.

Let stand for 10 minutes and rinse with cold water.

To get rid of acne, Moms can use this method every night before going to bed.

2. Prevent aging

Puree the onion until it has a paste-like texture.

Use a cotton swab and apply the onion to the face and neck.

Let stand for 10-15 minutes and rinse using clean water.

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Moms can use it every two in one week

3. Disguise blemishes and dark spots

Mix one tablespoon of finely chopped onion with one tablespoon of yogurt.

Apply as a mask and leave for 10 minutes.

After that, gently massage with circular finger tips and rinse with clean water.

Wear a mask with this onion mixture at least twice a week.

4. Brighten the skin

Take one red onion and cut it into two halves.

Gently wipe on the surface of the face and neck then let stand for 10 minutes.

After that, rinse with clean water.

The antioxidants contained in onions can help remove dead skin cells and give a bright face.

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Use it every two weeks, Moms, for maximum results.

5. Overcoming hyperpigmentation

Mix one tablespoon of finely chopped onion with 3 cm of turmeric that has been mashed until it forms a face.

Use as a mask on the face and neck then rinse with warm water.

Use regularly every day before going to bed so that the results are immediately visible.

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