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Identify Preeclampsia Risk Factors | Republic Online

Preeclampsia is actually related to the cardiovascular system,

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Obstetrician and Gynecologist, dr. Aditya Kusuma, Sp.OG said there are several factors that increase the possibility preeclampsia occurs in pregnant women. One of them is pregnancy under the age of 20 years or more than 35 years.

He said several factors that cause a pregnant woman to be at risk for preeclampsia is the first pregnancy. In addition, had a history of preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy, a family history of preeclampsia.

Other risk factors are pregnancy at a young age or under 20 years old and pregnancy at an old age or over 35 years, multiple pregnancies, mothers with obesity and mothers who have kidney disease or chronic hypertension. can want a twin pregnancy but if in this medicine double trouble. Then there are some accompanying blockers in pregnant women such as kidneys, chronic hypertension and lupus,” said Dr. Aditya in a webinar, Tuesday (12/10).

Preeclampsia is a blood pressure disorder that only occurs in pregnancy. This disorder can cause complications, including damage to vital organs, especially the kidneys and liver.

The doctor who graduated from the University of Indonesia called preeclampsia a silent killer. Because according to him, many pregnant women who experience preeclampsia have no symptoms, even some pregnant women who initially have normal blood pressure turn out to be very high.

Preeclampsia has a harmful impact on the mother and fetus, including premature delivery, fetal death, low birth weight, premature placental abruption or placental separation and seizures or eclampsia. long, the child is likely to be obese at the age of 30-40 years, there is a risk of diabetes, cardiovascular and if the child is a woman, she will have a risk of preeclampsia as well,” said dr. Aditya.

dr. Aditya also explained that there are no special foods that can be consumed to prevent preeclampsia. However, because preeclampsia is actually related to the cardiovascular system, the right thing to do is to maintain heart health before pregnancy.

“Preeclampsia is a cardiovascular or heart issue. So, eating healthy is like keeping your heart healthy, not just pampering your tongue. It’s best if you do this before you get pregnant, if you’re already pregnant, there won’t be much change,” said dr. Aditya.

source: between

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