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“Identification of Nutrients by an Oncologist that Initiate Bowel Cancer Growth”

Professor Alexander Syriakov, an oncologist, declared that smoked sausages, biscuits and alcohol contribute to the development of bowel cancer.

In an interview with the newspaper “Izvestia”, the specialist notes that the most harmful products are smoked sausages. In general, red meat itself, according to the classification of carcinogenic products, is likely to stimulate the development of cancer in (2A group), so doctors recommend eating it once a week.

According to him, the method of preparing meat is of great importance, as excessive heat treatment can lead to the formation of additional carcinogens, the most dangerous of which in this case is smoked meat. Therefore, if we take into account the above, it becomes clear that smoked sausage is the most dangerous in terms of cancer.

He says: “If a person eats 50 grams of sausage, sausage and other similar products per day, the risk of colon cancer increases by 18 percent.”

He adds: Excessive consumption of other products such as canned fish (Sprattus), biscuits, alcohol, sauces, popcorn, canned vegetables and fruits, artificial sweeteners and genetically modified foods all increase the risk of cancer, including bowel cancer.

He says: “Many experts agree that the Mediterranean diet is the best option for nutrition because it is rich in vegetables.

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