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Ideas for trips to Picardy for the weekend of 7 and 8 January

On this weekend of galettes des rois, we offer New Year’s concerts, films, a disc fair and bargains, but also to catch a flight or ride a bike.

The story of the New Year’s Concert began in Vienna on December 31, 1939. Since then it has become a tradition shared by many orchestras and this Sunday, January 8, three New Year’s concerts are offered in each of our three Picardy departments.

  • Appointment at 11:00 at the Jean Vilar theater for the concert by the Orchester d’harmonie de San Quentin. Reservation at the Espace St Jacques ticket office
  • Appointment at 3.30pm Amiens, for the Harmonie Saint-Pierre concert at the Jules Verne circus. Waltzes, polkas and other music from the Balkans scheduled for this joyous and festive concert. Reservation recommended. Possibility to buy tickets on site, within the limit of available seats.
  • Finally, always at 15:30, a Beauvais, at the Théâtre du Beauvaisis meeting for the concert by the Oise Philharmonic Orchestra. Among other composers, Strauss, Offenbach and Bizet will be played. Information and reservations.

NB: public rehearsals on 7 January at the town hall of Crèvecœur-le-Grand from 4pm to 7pm, then from 8pm to 10pm. This concert will also take place on January 21 and 22 at the Château de Chantilly.

The Cinéral60 association offers no less than 3 screenings this Saturday January 7:

  • Enzo le Croco in Saint-Pathus at 4.30pm;
  • Simone, the journey of the centuryin Saintines at 5pm;
  • colors of firein Haudvillers at 8pm

Throughout the weekend, the Beauvais resource center is organizing a destocking operation, an opportunity to do business and buy smart! From Saturday at 2.00pm

Lovers of vinyl, CDs and other DVDs, meet this one Sunday from 9:30 at the Espace culturel Saint-André d’Abbeville, to find the rare pearl among the hundreds of references offered by more than 100 exhibitors.

If cycling is one of your good intentions, but you need a dose of motivation, get on your bike and join other cyclists for the Sunday outing offered by the Véloxygen association. Meet at 10am at Place Gambetta in Amiens for a 2-hour family-friendly outing.

In detail.

Every weekend, the Laon tourist office organizes a visit to the towers of the cathedral. At almost 60 meters high, the city offers a panoramic view. It’s also an opportunity to explore the building’s south gallery.

The number of visitors is limited to 19, registration is mandatory at the tourist office. Appointment at 14:00

Yolanda Suarez Morejon awaits you on Sunday at 4 pm at S@yne for the New Year’s concert dedicated to a journey through times and places. She will be accompanied by 100% female artists.

Best wishes, good weekend and good galette!

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