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Ideas for trips to Montluçon (Allier) and its surroundings for the weekend of 11 November

Record festivals, concerts, toy sales, lotto, belote competitions, concerts, dance afternoons are on the program … Discover our selection of weekend entertainment from Friday 11 to Sunday 13 November, in Montluçon and its surroundings.

Friday 11th November

“Casse gueule” (vintage sound experience, quantum lyrics, delusional …). At 8:30 pm, at the Bistrot Culture, 1, rue de l’Horloge. Participation in the hat.

Lot for blood donors in the municipalities of Hérisson, Louroux-Hodement and Saint-Caprais. At 2 pm, at the Espace Jacques-Gaulme, in Hérisson. Doors open at 1.30pm

Autumn festival of the festival committee. At the town hall, rue du pressoir: at 12:30, meal (€ 28); at 3 pm, tea dance hosted by the Sébastien Perrin orchestra (€ 10). Information and reservations at

Fourbi, Link, Scorch and Karl Martijn (techno party). From 10pm to 4am, at 109, salle du Guingois, 109, rue Ernest-Montusès. Free.

Where to go hunting?

Saturday 12th November

La Bamboche de l’Indépendante (concert of Santa Cecilia). At 8 pm, concert by the Independent, followed by the Oceanic Orchestra, at 9 pm, in the village hall. FREE ENTRANCE.
“Louv ‘”, world music (soloist). At 8:30 pm, at the Bistrot Culture, 1, rue de l’Horloge. Participation in the hat.

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“The Allier between Resistance and Occupation”, by Thierry Martin-Douyat (documentary film). 20:00 in the town hall. This documentary traces the life of the inhabitants of Bourbonnais during the Second World War. Prices: € 5 and € 3.50 for children under 16.

“The Great War”, by the ACPG-CATM and the widows of Montluçon-Désertines. From 10:00 to 13:00, Salle Jean-Bougret in the Espace François-Mitterrand. Particularly aimed at children, this exhibition, provided by ONAC (National Office for Veterans Affairs), presents the unpublished testimony of three Poilus. Quotes, drawings and caricatures give visitors the desire to go in search of the traces left by the Great War in his family.

Christine Dubech (dedication). From 9:00 to 12:00 and from 13:30 to 18:00, in Auchan. Books on personal development.

Axis Concert. 19:00 in the town hall. Prices, € 12; free for children under 10. For the benefit of cancer research.

2nd Hall of local artists. Today, from 14:00 to 19:00 and tomorrow, from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00, in the Town Hall: drawings, paintings, photographs, sculptures, lithographs …

Secours Populaire Christmas sale. From 10:00 to 17:00, in the Robert-Lebourg room, rue de la Presle.

Get the height! climb to the top of the tower of the castle of the Dukes of Bourbon. At 9. Proposed by the guides of the tourist office. Enjoy an exceptional 270 ° panorama from the top of this majestic tower. Reservations required at 04.70. 05.11.44. Prices: adult, € 2; from 5 to 18 years, 1 €.

Belote competition of Montvicq in celebration. 13:30 in the town hall. Participation, € 14 per team. Followed by a meal at 7.00 pm for € 8. Reservations until

30th edition of the book. Saturday, from 14:00 to 17:00 and Sunday, from 10:00 to 17:00, in the hamlet of La Dure. Presence of Bernard Capo and Stone. Organized by Gat’s do Bourbonnais.

“The Viplaix school over time”, by the Vivre à Viplaix association. From 14:00 to 18:00 and on Sundays, from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00, in the multipurpose room. More than 90 class photos, the oldest dating back to 1900. Free admission. People with photos can bring them, they will be scanned by the members of the association.

ideas for excursions

Sunday 13 November

Departmental Youth Orchestra of Allier and its guests. At 3:30 pm, at the Agora, rue Abel-Gance. Free admission. Information Municipal School of Music, tel.

Exchange of toys, clothes and childcare. From 9 am, at the Albert-Poncet municipal center, 335, rue Victor-Hugo. Organized by the lay association of the Alain-Fournier school.

Conference-slideshow by Jean-Paul Perrin on “The thirty glorious years 1945-1975 in the Montluçonnais basin, between myth and reality”. 15:00 in the town hall. Admission, € 5 from 18 years. Contact:

Festival on records, comics, CDs, DVDs. From 10:00 to 18:00, at the exhibition center, rue Eugène-Sue. Prices: 2 €; free for children under 12.
Sainte-Cécile concert. At 3.30 pm, with the Orchester d’harmonie de Montluçon, with the participation of the Big Chabada Band, at 3.30 pm, at the Gabrielle-Robinne theater, place Jean-Jaurès.

Montmarault Lotto animations. At 1pm, at the Espace Claude-Capdevielle, rue Joliot-Curie. Reservations at


Belote contest of the festival committee. At 2 pm, at the village house. Registration, € 16 per team.

The exhibitions …

“Blue Lagoon”, photo by Camille Holtz. Until Sunday 13 November. At DomaineM, 10, rue Henri-Barbusse. Visible Friday and Saturday, from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00; Sunday, from 15.00 to 19.00 or by appointment during the week at (free admission). Free guided tours for groups.

“Getting up before dawn: the international brigades, from Spain to the Resistance”. Until Saturday 19 November, at the Pléiade, place de la Butte. Visible Tuesday and Thursday, from 14:00 to 18:00; Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, from 9:30 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00

Some crazy people in the Chloé Tiravy desert. Until Sunday 20 November, from Wednesday to Sunday, from 14:00 to 18:00, free of charge at the FRAC de Montluçon, 27, rue des Faucheroux, Espace Boris-Vian. Free admission.

“Arborescence” by Catherine Genet (paintings). Until Sunday 27 November, at the Orangerie of villa Louvière, 30, avenue du Cimetière-de-l’Est. Visible every day, from 14:00 to 18:00, except Mondays.

Photographic works by Robert Parant. Until Saturday 17 December, at the Boris-Vian media library, 27, rue des Faucheroux, a third exhibition on Robert Parant’s photographic works on the sporting life of Montluçon in the 1950s and 1960s. Information on

“Recent works” by Rémy Pastor (paintings). Until Saturday 17 December, at the Gallery of the Scriptures, 1, rue Pierre-Petit. Visible from Tuesday to Saturday, from 15:00 to 18:00, and by appointment at

“The Viplaix school over time”, by the Vivre à Viplaix association. From Saturday 12 to Monday 14 November, at the multipurpose room. Visible Saturday and Monday, from 14:00 to 18:00 and Sunday, from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00.

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