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Ideas for Instagram photo quotes and captions

Instagram stands out for its significantly higher engagement and interaction rates than other social networks. As it favors the visual, it is important to take care of the presentation of the content, that is, the quotes and photo captions that accompany a photo or video. We are going to give you some writing tips (with examples) on this topic in this article.

How to post successfully on Instagram?

Users pay more attention to the photos and videos they typically post, and care a little less about the accompanying written content, which can nonetheless attract a lot of engagement if used well. Here are some tips for copy that makes an impact:

express yourself your way

It is essential that the written presentation is natural. To do this, identify your subscribers according to their age, gender and location to write your content appropriately, while still being yourself.

In addition, you can find even more tips to attract as many subscribers as possible in the following article: https://www.alucare.fr/comment-avoir-des-abonnes-sur-instagram

Learn to use hashtags effectively

Nowadays it is difficult to talk about an Instagram caption without mentioning hashtags. They have a driving role while being a formidable lever of virality in the social network:

  • Rather put them at the end of your message (or in the first comment) so as not to interrupt the reading of your post.
  • Make sure you only use ten at most.
  • Diversify your hashtags as you post.
  • Study current popular topics and hashtags.

Integrate the “microblogging” method

Since 2019, it has become the Instagram trend and has transformed the social network into a platform that offers more and more value-added content, namely:

  • Tutorials: recipe, technology, makeup, marketing tips;
  • Tips and tricks;
  • Share experiences and good references;
  • Or excerpts from a conference or trade show.

Some examples of quotes and subheadings

Instagram quotes and captions lean mostly towards “lifestyle” and “mindset” themes. As it is a social network that privileges the visual, there must be captivating content. Therefore, it is necessary to include some details:

  • Be careful not to exceed the number of characters allowed.
  • Encourage subscribers to take action.
  • Get in the habit of using emoticons to make it even more attractive.

Here are some standard phrases, to decorate and customize as you please according to your style with your Hashtags and your emojis.

Lifestyle / Positive Mindset

  • “Those who have never made mistakes have never tried to innovate. -Albert Einstein.
  • “If you look closely, most overnight successes take a long time. – Steve Jobs.

Typical captions to describe your selfies

  • Be the best version of you.
  • I woke up like this!

interior design

  • “Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication” – Leonardo da Vinci
  • “An interior is the natural projection of the soul” – Coco Chanel

Nature / Travel

  • A morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.
  • Explore the unexplored.

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