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Idan Amadi speaks for the first time since the injury in Gaza

Idan Amadi appeared in front of the cameras today (Thursday) at a press conference held at Tel Hashomer Hospital, for the first time since he was seriously injured during an activity in the Gaza Strip. Amadi told about the moments of the severe injury during a tunnel explosion in the Gaza Strip, about the fighting and the good friends he lost, about the hospitalization and rehabilitation efforts he went through and is expected to go through and his opinion on the issue of the kidnapped and captives. Many Israeli media as well as international media came to the place.

In response to a question asked about the abductee issue, Amadi said: “The State of Israel has many tools to deal with the issue, many levers also in the countries around us that need us – energy, mediation with other countries in the world… I think that everything that can be done has not been used yet. We have not changed to the end our line of thought”.

In response to the journalists’ question about the moment of the explosion, Amadi said: “At the moment of the explosion, when I landed on the ground, I gestured with my hand that I was alive. I thought about the house and the family and hoped to get out of it alive.”

Last year when I called for unity, they said I was a populist,” Amadi said in response to another question, “but this is the most important message that needs to be sent out here. Stop with the dumb and flat talk. Years are approaching when we will have to deal with very complex things and like the slogan that was at the beginning of the war, I truly believe that only together will we win.”

Idan Amadi

Before the reporters’ questions, Amadi, with his arm bandaged, spoke: “Good morning if you can say good morning in days like this,” he began his words. “I want to send a hug to the bereaved families. There are no words to comfort my heart. Your sons and daughters are my heroes until the end of my days. We laughed together, went on operations together and allowed ourselves to cry together. The pain will always remain but it is important that you know that they meant a lot, that they are the protector of the people This is the historical moment.

“I arrived here at Sheba Hospital burnt and fumigated, sedated and ventilated. I was unrecognizable: ‘unknown 22-year-old’. I asked to hold this press conference for several reasons. To thank the medical teams who treated me with devotion from the treatment in the field through the evacuation of 669. Your devotion. .. I have no words to thank you. It was important to me that the people of Israel know that they have won the most dedicated medical teams in Tel Hashomer and in general,” Amadi stated.

Idan Amadi talks to the media at the hospital Photo: reuters

“I meet the war wounded in the various departments. Some of them have been here since October 7. My injury can bring awareness to the difficulty and challenges of the wounded. I also need a long rehabilitation process. This thing is a challenge, to understand that you are wounded, to digest that there are things that will take months to restore And there are things that will never go back to the past. As you supported me, you will also support them upon release from the hospital. Hug and support.

Those who ran first without hesitation and willingly, out of love for the people and the country, into the fire need you now in their difficult hour. Their injuries are not only physical but also mental. We lost brothers in arms, we were exposed for 3 months to pure evil from our enemies. There are things that take time for the soul to digest and contain. I have the opportunity to speak on behalf of all those who experienced this war and ask all the professional and civil parties to pay attention to them. Be good and open, with a clean heart and understanding.”

“For two weeks we were engaged in exploring the tunnels. The things we found kept us awake. The extent and depth of the tunnels is further proof of the cruelty of our enemies. For reasons that are still being investigated, a few minutes before the end of the operation, the tunnels were indeed destroyed, but the accident caused our forces heavy losses. 6 fighters were killed and dozens were wounded. 2 dead , Maj. Gen. Gabriel Blum and Maj. Gen. Akiva Yasinsky, were my friends.” Akiva Yasinski, Amadi’s friend who died fighting in Gaza Photo: IDF spokesman

The late Gabriel Blum, Amadi’s friend | Photo: IDF spokesman

“My husband was a professional fighter, a sharp and strong man who always acted quietly and professionally. I fought by his side, he was a beloved person with inner strength and a joy of life. Akibush,” he said through tears, “we were accepted together into the patrol team. We fought on a strong cliff and in the current war. How can I say goodbye to you? For several days now I have been struggling with longings that tear my heart apart. I wish I could explain to the people of Israel who you were. A knowledgeable and professional fighter, strong and kind-hearted. A one-time sniper. When I became a commander, I felt no difference between us.

You would catch me at night after everyone had fallen asleep and correct me. You were my moral and value compass. I asked if you survived, if you are alive. Just before the explosion you managed to throw me one last cynical joke. You see, Amadi, you said, some people are doing something serious with your life. I adore you, I love you forever. To the families of Gavri and Akibosh, I am sorry that I did not live up to my mission as commander, to return them home safely. This pain will accompany me like the sign of Cain until my last day.”

Amadi also spoke about the captives and the missing: “One day I will talk about everything, but the most important message I want to get out of here is that we must not abandon the kidnapped once again. I was visited by Agam Goldstein Almog, who was kidnapped. The lack of trust she has in the military system led me to many thoughts The State of Israel was established so that every Jew would know that there is a fortress for our people. Here we are not without trust. To restore trust, we must return them home. All of them. This is our moral duty,” Amadi stated.

“I am facing a long rehabilitation, I was severely injured. The very fact that I am standing is a miracle. A fragment from the throat hit a vertebra and miraculously did not damage the spinal cord or a vital organ. I ask that you allow me a few months of silence. I am telling you the full story, but me and my family We need to focus on rehabilitation and the challenges that lie ahead of me. My spirit is stronger than ever, and I will return to creating, singing and acting. I will also return to fight for the country, mother – don’t be angry.”

“Just as it will take me time to digest everything that has happened to me, it will take me time to digest all the love I have received. Thank you all. I want to thank my family and friends, maybe I will be able to repay you for your kindness and giving to me. You taught me what true friendship is.” He addressed his daughters: “Father will do anything, he will lift you up in the air and teach you to ride a bicycle. My wife Miriam, my Amazon, I love you. You are a rare stone that I received in this life as a gift. I’m sorry for worrying you, you knew you married a madman.”

Amadi also spoke to foreign media in English: “My spirit is strong. I refuse to make this injury the story of my life. With God’s help, I will return to fight for my country. The Israelis are the strongest in the world. It will take time, but we will win this war. We have no other choice.”

Amadi finished his words before the questions: “Thank you for coming, Israel is alive.”

Before Amadi’s words, Dr. Yael Frankel spoke. “Idan came to us in a serious condition, ventilated and sedated after the heroic treatment he received in the field by the 669 teams and Musk came to us,” she said. It is much easier to take care of someone with such willpower, such optimism, such strength, this is truly an example of the victory of the spirit of an era, ours and the State of Israel.”

“Idan, despite the complex injury, and shrapnel in several organs and systems, went hand in hand step by step with the surgery and trauma teams, but much thanks to himself. He was constantly worried about his friends on the battlefield, the friends he was with here in the treatment of Sheba, and this spirit of evil was so moving.”

As I recall, about two and a half weeks ago it was reported that Amadi, along with other fighters, was injured in the fighting in Gaza. Amadi was apparently injured by an explosive device at the opening of a tunnel shaft in the southern Gaza Strip. He was transported by helicopter for treatment at the Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer, where the doctors managed to stabilize his condition, which was defined as severe, and he was sedated and ventilated.

Just an hour before he was injured, Amadi gave an interview to News 12: “We work hard here for everyone’s safety. We love you. There are so many forces here, amazing people, it’s a little strange that you caught up with me. I love you at home.” The day after the injury, Amadi woke up and was out of danger, after undergoing surgery during the night.

Amadi enlisted in the reserves already on October 7, and alongside the intense fighting, he did not spare his opinions and feelings from his followers on Instagram. “We learned the hardest way, not for the first time, that our fate is in our hands. To my friends, my brothers and sisters who are currently fighting on any front, there are no better people than you. There is no greater pride than you. I was privileged to stand by your side,” he wrote at the time.

The press conference he will hold today was supposed to take place last Tuesday – but after the publication of the difficult news about the death of 24 IDF soldiers in the Gaza Strip, he decided to postpone it.

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