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Ida Fladen on «Puppastemning»: –

What apparently initially started as a quiet week, should turn out to be chaotic for the gang in the Sports Club.

It has, to put it mildly, boiled down to social media since then VGTV and Spårtsklubben shared the video about how the song «Puppastemning» became. Several looked red and reacted strongly to the fact that host Ida Fladen (35) was apparently almost pressured to record the song of the same name.

Among other things, she repeats several times in the video that she did not want to complete.

Now, in a post on Instagram’s story function, she elaborates on what lies behind the choice to implement anyway.

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«Stands for the message»

There, the 35-year-old writes, among other things, that “Puppastemning”, which by the way has been on Spotify’s top list through the weekend, is about something far bigger than the song itself.

“I think most people have realized that I in no way wanted to release a song, but once it has happened, I have a few things I want to say: Regardless of what I might think about the song itself, I stand one hundred percent in favor of the message “, she writes.

Fladen explains that it has always been a taboo subject for her that there should be no difference in how girls and boys (and other genders) behave, because behavior has little or nothing to do with gender.

“THAT is actually the message of the song! Boys’ mood and girl’s mood can be exactly the same, and we can behave exactly the same as boys ».

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Was denied “boy ride”

She further points out that the word “girl mood” is a “completely useless word”, and that “doll mood” was therefore a better choice.

VGTV colleague Mads Hansen (37) was quick to defend his own song, but received strong criticism for pressuring Fladen to record the song.

In the post, the 35-year-old explains that the two colleagues ended up in a discussion after he refused her to join the “boy trip”, because she had not fit into the gang as she is a girl.

“If we remove all gender stereotypes that society has inflicted on us, we would not have thought so. The fact that he has now been involved in making this song, I interpret as meaning that he has finally realized that I am right », she concludes.

Dagbladet has been in contact with Ida Fladen, who states that she was told what she had on her mind in the story.

RED CARPET: At TV 2’s autumn launch, Erling Braut Haaland’s unknown brother appeared, to ask Mads Hansen if he wanted to help rob. Video: Red Carpet
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– Unfortunate

Among those who reacted to the song when it came out was the leader of the Ullensaker Labor Party, Elin L’Estrange. On Twitter, she wrote that “she said no”.

– I think it was a pretty special video. I understand that this is a form of humor that Spårtsklubben has. But the problem is that they have a fairly young target group, and I would guess there is a predominance of young men, she told Dagbladet earlier this week.

The politician pointed out that no matter what has happened in advance of the recording, which the viewers do not get to know, a signal is sent out that it is good humor to pressure someone who says no.

– It is a very unfortunate signal to send – especially to young people. We have to assume that this is an edited video, but the image they create that it is a good form of humor to continue to push when someone so clearly expresses that they do not want anything, is not lucky.

PICTURE ARGUMENT: VGTV profile Mads Hansen took a hard line against an Instagram post by Wanda Mashadi. Fortunately, the twin sister came to the rescue. Video: Ingebjørg Iversen
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– Staged humor

Editor of VGTV, Rolf Sønstelie, defended the video and explained that he thinks the criticism was taken completely out of context.

– This is staged humor, which Ida has the last word on. What happens in the studio is rigged, and clarified with Ida in advance. It is not that she is pressured by the others while the camera is running, even though it looks like that to the viewers. Here they play, he wrote in an e-mail to Dagbladet.

Sønstelie also said that it is true that Fladen did not want to record the song in the first place, but that this was discussed and that together they came up with a solution that she was comfortable with.

Mads Hansen, who is one of the brains behind the song, explained that it would never be released without Fladen’s consent.

– It could not even occur to me, in my wildest imagination, that there should be reactions to it. It should also be said that it is not a question of many reactions, but that they come from a gang that shouts loudly, Mads Hansen told Dagbladet.

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