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ICW Gets a Mandate from Who Oversees the Government?


ICW’s allegations regarding the alleged involvement of the Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko in the ‘promotion’ of Ivermectin as a ‘medicine’ for Corona or COVID-19 with a long tail. Moeldoko’s party did not accept it and threatened to report ICW to the police.

This was conveyed by Moeldoko’s lawyer, Otto Hasibuan. He initially questioned ICW’s statement regarding the mandate to supervise public officials.

“ICW got a mandate from whom so that it has the authority to supervise the government? All citizens have the right to supervise. But do not under the pretext of supervision can carry out slander and defamation,” said Otto, Saturday (31/7/2021).

He claimed to support citizen participation in supervising the government. However, he asked that there be no slander when conveying criticism.

“It does not mean that we are free to slander because we are a state of law. So far, Mr. Moeldoko has often been accused of various things,” he said.

He then brought up the alleged connection between Moeldoko and the Jiwasraya and ASABRI cases. Otto said Moeldoko did not immediately report the allegations to the police.

“In the case of Jiwasraya and ASABRI, what ICW conveyed was not an opinion, but slander, and Mr. Moeldoko did not suddenly report ICW, but gave an opportunity to prove his accusations, especially Mr. Moeldoko’s accusation of doing rice business,” he said.

Otto asked the ICW to prove the allegations against Moeldoko. According to Otto, if ICW can prove its allegations, there will be no police report.

“If ICW can prove it, of course there will be no police report right. So don’t say this is a criminalization. So to ICW, just prove the accusation. If there is evidence, of course there is no police report. But, if you don’t have evidence, withdraw the accusation and apologize. Simple, right?” Otto said.

ICW’s accusations against Moeldoko

Name Moeldoko mentioned in ICW’s findings published on its official website. ICW wrote its findings in an article entitled ‘The Ivermectin Polemic: Hunting for Rent in a Crisis’.

“The search results of Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) found alleged links between members of political parties, public officials, and business people in the use of the drug Ivermectin to cope with COVID-19. .

ICW claims to have found potential rent-seeking of Ivermectin production and distribution. The practice, according to ICW, was allegedly carried out by a number of parties to enrich themselves by taking advantage of the health crisis.

“ICW has also found indications of the involvement of members of political parties and public officials in the distribution of Ivermectin,” he said.

One of the so-called Moeldoko. ICW also explained Moeldoko’s close relationship with a number of parties in the Ivermectin producer, PT Harsen Laboratories.

ICW said the company is owned by husband and wife Haryoseno and Runi Adianti. ICW then gave an explanation of one of the names affiliated with PT Harsen Laboratories, Sofia Koswara.

“He is the Vice President of PT Harsen and the former CEO of B-Channel. Sofia Koswara also serves as Chairwoman of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) in Indonesia. Another Indonesian citizen who is at the FLCCC is Budhi Antariksa, part of the Presidential Doctors Team , as well as a pulmonologist at the Friendship General Hospital and a lecturer in plumology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. Budhi is also the head of the Ivermectin clinical trial team in Indonesia,” ICW wrote.

Watch Video: Moeldoko Summons ICW regarding the Ivermectin Business Network Allegation

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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