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ICW Admits Shock to Hear Jokowi’s State Speech at the MPR

Suara.com – Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) admitted he was surprised to hear President Joko Widodo’s statement claiming that the government was not playing games in its efforts to eradicate corruption.

Jokowi conveyed this statement in a State Address at the MPR RI Annual Session this afternoon.

Regarding this, ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhan actually thinks that Jokowi has never supported efforts to eradicate corruption during his two terms as leader of the country.

“It is quite dumbfounded and shocked to hear President Joko Widodo’s state speech at the DPR which said that,” The government has never played games with efforts to eradicate corruption. ” This is because, since the beginning of President Joko Widodo’s administration, it has never been proven that he sided with the corruption eradication sector, “said Kurnia when contacted, Friday (14/8/2020).

According to him, the Jokowi administration has actually weakened the eradication of corruption, starting from the election of the head of the KPK Volume V, the controversial Firli Bahuri to the policy of granting clemency to corruptors.

“Novel Baswedan is unclear on the completion of the hard water sprinkling case, until he finally revised the KPK Law,” said Kurnia.

Moreover, Jokowi was said to have given false hopes of issuing a Presidential Regulation (Perppu) for the KPK to replace the New KPK Law number 19 of 2020.

“The narrative of the promise that was uttered by the President regarding the PerPPU KPK is in fact just nonsense,” concluded Kurnia.

Jokowi claims that the government remains committed to efforts to eradicate corruption even in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The government has never played games with efforts to eradicate corruption,” said Jokowi in his State Address at the MPR / DPR / DPR Annual Session at the Parliament building Senayan, Jakarta, Friday.

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