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ICU nurse spat in face: “Rude and dirty” | Inland

To be able to combine her busy job with her young children, Renate likes to go out for a run, she tells RTV Utrecht. On the Utrechtseweg she suddenly saw six boys riding three scooters. “I saw that they were acting a little weird against a cycling oncoming car, but I just kept on running. Then I heard screams coming over my headset and I felt wet splashes on my face. ”

Renate was still running after the boys, but was unable to track them down. She filed a report. “I am so angry! I have to help save lives every day. I do my job with all my heart, but you shouldn’t interfere with that. In this way you really work against me. ”

Renate is not afraid that she now has corona, but she did report the incident to her boss. The police are looking for the perpetrators and on Twitter are calling on people to look for the boys.

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