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Ichilov Hospital and Tel Aviv U.: Vaccinated breastfeeding women could protect their babies from Covid-19

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What if getting vaccinated while breastfeeding helped protect your baby? In Israel, a study has just shown that antibodies have been found in the breast milk of women who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus. These antibodies were identified after a single dose of the vaccine and then at a higher rate about a week after the second dose.

Pr ronit lubetzky

Pr ronit lubetzky

Conducted at Ichilov Hospital and Tel Aviv University by Prof. Ronit Lubetzky of the Ichilov Department of Pediatrics and Dr Yariv Wein of the Faculty of Life Sciences at Tel Aviv University, this study examined a small sample of 10 female medical staff volunteers to give samples of breast milk vaccinated with two doses. The breast milk of all breastfeeding women contained antibodies.

Dr Yariv Wine

Dr yariv wein

According to the researchers, the formation of antibodies in milk and blood is synchronized and the antibodies have the ability to neutralize themselves, that is, they bind to the viral protein to block its ability to bind. to a host cell receptor.

One of the study’s co-authors, Prof. Ariel Mani Maichilov, said: “ This is a small sample, it is too early at this point to draw any conclusions about immunity in breastfed babies, but these results are an encouraging indication. Breastfeeding Women May Help Their Babies’ Immunity Against Covid-19 ».

Source kikar.co.il

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