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Icelandic volcanic eruption in Fagradalsfjäll can last for 30 years

The plan to make slow TV of the volcanic eruption would, with that time perspective, give the expression new weight.

But according to Björn Lund, senior lecturer in seismology at Uppsala University, much about the eruption is still unclear.

– It can last for 30 years or end this weekend. Right now there is nothing to indicate that the eruption is slowing down, lava is flowing out at the same rate as it is filling up from below, says Björn Lund.

The volcano, which is located in the area of ​​Fagradalsfjäll 30 km southwest of Iceland’s capital Reykjavik, has caused some tourism and uproar. It has been described as a “cute” volcano because it has been most exciting to look at and has not caused any danger to the public.

According to Björn Lund, there is still a reason To maintain a certain distance, the volcano emits gases such as carbon dioxide and sulfur oxide. The latter can become really toxic to humans in large doses.

Icelandic researchers closely monitor the development and monitor the development both with satellite cameras and with radar to see how much magma comes out. This in itself gives an indication of how the volcano is developing.

– The latest is that fluoride has been discovered at the opening of the volcano. It has happened in the past that volcanic eruptions have released large amounts of fluoride which can also be toxic. But so far it is not above the limit values. This is something that you have to keep an eye on, so that there is no more, says Björn Lund and adds that in large quantities it can be toxic to, for example, livestock.

Björn Lund explains that Iceland as an island has come into being precisely as a result of several consecutive volcanic eruptions.

– There are a lot of volcanoes in Iceland. This is because the two earth plates, the European and the North American, are moving apart. Then cracks appear in the earth’s crust and magma, a kind of molten rock flows out.

Read more: The lava continues to erupt from the volcano in Iceland

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