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Iceland winner of alternative song festival, the Netherlands disappoints

The grand finale was broadcast over the internet because of the corona virus. Jeangu received 73 points from the national jury of experts. Added to this were 103 points from viewers who could choose their favorite via televoting. The 176 points turned out to be good for thirteenth place.

The Netherlands received twelve points from Italy alone.

Unanimous about the winner

The national professional juries and viewers were unanimous about the winner. They both gave Iceland the most points. Daði & Gagnamagnið received 434 points for their Think About Things. Lithuania came second and Russia third.

The Eurovision Song Contest fansites organized the Eurovision Song Contest because the song spectacle in Rotterdam was canceled due to the corona crisis.

Last week, the participants were chosen for the grand final in two semifinals. In it, only short pieces of the songs were broadcast. Most of the broadcast was taken up by the scoring.

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