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Iceland. Those vaccinated with J&J will receive an additional dose. All because of the Delta

“We want to offer all those vaccinated with Janssen an additional dose vaccines. It will probably be Pfizer, “the chief epidemiologist said at a press conference on Thursday Iceland Thorolfur Gudnason.

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Iceland is considering additional COVID-19 vaccination. It applies to people vaccinated with Janssen

The preparation of Johnson & Johnson is distinguished by the fact that it is fully vaccinated against coronavirus one injection is enough. In the case of preparations by AstraZeneca, Pfizer or Moderna – two doses are required.

Out of almost 267 thousand people who have received at least one dose in Iceland vaccines against COVID-19, around 53,000 took Janssen. Three-quarters of these people are under 40 years old.

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Iceland has been struggling with the rise in new coronavirus infections for over a week; 213 infections were recorded in the last 7 days, of which 148 were fully vaccinated. The country’s chief epidemiologist, Gudnason, says that most of the people who are vaccinated with the new SARS-CoV-2 infection are those who have been vaccinated with Janssen.

AFP writes that the recent surge in new infections on the island could lead to the reinstatement of anti-epidemic restrictions, which were lifted on June 26.

The Delta variant may result in another wave of the epidemic

Chinese specialists in the article “How the Delta variant achieves its ultrafast spread” claim that the viral load of this type of coronavirus, i.e. the number of viruses in the blood, it’s 1260 times greater than the first SARS-CoV-2 variants, which started the pandemic at the end of 2019. For this reason, COVID-19 may develop faster and cause further infections at a faster rate.

Laboratory of laboratory diagnostics and COVID-19The Delta variant multiplies up to 1000 times faster

‘We have new evidence that the’ superwariant ‘Delta is not only more infectious, but multiplies more than 1,000 times faster, which reduces the incubation period to an average of four days, increases elimination time and more complications,’ explains Dr. med. Paweł Grzesiowski, expert of the Supreme Medical Council for COVID-19.

(PAP)/ ska/ ap/

Coronawirus: up-to-date information and recommendations on gov.pl.

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