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Icefigters face challenges in Krefeld and against Ice Dragons Herford

Leipzig. Although the people of Leipzig have already defeated Krefeld twice in the current season in the Kohlrabi circus, the young troupe of head coach Elmar Schmitz has now made it to the Oberliga Nord. The “young wild ones” have set some exclamation marks after long initial difficulties. There were wins and points won against the teams from Herne, Hanover Scorpions, Hamburg and Halle. The Krefeld team were led by Adrian Grygiel. But they can all produce goals. On top of that, the Krefeld team have grown up significantly defensively. There is a lot of hard work waiting for the Icefighters from Leipzig.


“Our team will have to push the limits and maybe even beyond them. Because the list of usable players has dropped significantly again, ”said coach Gerike before the matches on Friday in Krefeld and on Sunday in Leipzig. The Icefighters made their way to Krefeld with just eleven players and two goalkeepers. Maximilian Spöttel joined the well-known failures of Esa Hofverberg, Alexander Zille, Oliver Noack and Leon Lilik, whose foot is so swollen that the player cannot put on an ice skate. Florian Eichelkraut, Tim Heyter and Ryan Warttig are also suffering from injuries from the last encounter and will definitely not play in Krefeld. On top of that, Hannes Albrecht stayed at home. The probability that Hannes will become a father for the second time is relatively high. Ice hockey fans will certainly wish him all the best. The league game in the Rheinlandhalle in Krefeld starts at 6 p.m.

CLICK THROUGH: That was the Icefighters’ first home win against Herford

The IceFighters from Leipzig win against the Herford EV 3: 2 after extra time.


On Sunday, the fourth and final meeting of the Icefighters with the Ice Dragons Herford in the current regular season will take place in the Kohlrabi circus. The dragons were recently able to set a clear example against the Hanover Indians and win the game. The last game in Herne also looked like a possible point win for Herford for a long time. Jeff Job’s team is so far the best of three promoted players in the Oberliga Nord. The veterans Ralf Rinke, Marius Garten and Björn Bombis were able to lead the Herford team to points in all games against the ice fighters. After a narrow victory in the first duel, two defeats followed after extra time. The fourth confrontation on Sunday (from 6 p.m.) will certainly be very exciting again.

PM Icefighters

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