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Ice Hockey – Magnus League (semi-final): the Rouen Dragons had acted as if …

“JI don’t know. “ Yesterday morning, at the end of training, Fabrice Lhenry, the coach of the Dragons of Rouen, did not even wait for the first question to give, in a jest tone, the only answer that he was then truly able to bring questions to each other. At that time of the day, the former international goalkeeper was like everyone else. In the dark. Awaiting, also and above all, information. Information that he waited until a little more than 11 p.m., when the federation, via a press release, officially suspended the holding of the semi-finals of play-offs until next March 17, date on which the presidents of clubs and the members of the board of directors will meet again to decide whether to resume the final phase of the championship. This outcome, the Norman technician had not seen it coming even if, yesterday morning, he wanted to be suspicious all the same as for the continuation of the events.

The information we have at this moment is that we are going to play but we are aware that it can evolve very quickly. The holding of matches and the conditions under which they can take place do not depend on us but on governmental and prefectural decisions. We can only accept and adapt, recalled, presumably, the Norman coach. Until we know exactly what it is, we try to think only of the sportsman. “

Something which, under these conditions, was not obvious. “We will not lie, this semi-final against Angers is very difficult to prepare. This morning (yesterday morning), the topic everyone’s talking about is the Coronavirus and the repercussions it can have on the rest of the play-offs, did not hide Mathieu Roy, the captain of the Dragons, after training. So yes, we are professional and we must remain focused on what we can control, that is to say our preparation, but, in this context, it is not simple at all. No matter how hard you try not to worry about what’s going on and take it day by day, it’s complicated to prepare for this match like a normal semi-final. ” Impossible even. This is why, during the recovery exercises, it was more a question, in the weight room, of the evolution of the play-offs over the next few days than of tactics.

“Mentally, what is complicated to manage is that, even if we play tomorrow (tonight) and Wednesday, we are not sure that the series and the season can still go all the way, explained yesterday, Vincent Nesa, the RHE striker. We hear everywhere that we could very soon move to the stadium 3 of the Coronavirus epidemic prevention plan. However, we do not really know what it can mean for us … Does that mean that the competition will be stopped or suspended? Will we continue anyway but behind closed doors? “

“The hard part is not knowing
where are we going “

So many questions at that time without answers. “The hard part is not knowing where we’re going, added Fabrice Lhenry. Today, no one is able to say how things will develop, not even the highest authorities. It’s normal that, under these conditions, the guys are asking questions. The concern is that as things stand, no one has an answer for them. ” By announcing yesterday morning at a press conference that, “In this period, behind closed doors can become our doctrine for organizing competitions and professional sportHowever, Roxana Maracineanu, the Minister of Sports, has nevertheless suggested that the next events, for hockey as for all other sports, could well take place without spectators in the stands. A measure which, if it were to come into force before the end of the play-offs, would not be only a huge economic blow for the RHE.

“Playing behind closed doors, as a player, it’s hell, proclaimed Vincent Nesa. I remember the Coupe de France match against Neuilly-sur-Marne (Editor’s note: on October 13, 2015, this 16th round of the Coupe de France, won 10-2 by the RHE, took place behind closed doors at the request of the prefecture and because of the protest movement led by the fairgrounds of the Saint-Romain Fair). It could be an important game, but there was not the same excitement, the same emotion, as if there had been 2,700 people. ”

If it were to be the same for the semi-finals and / or the Magnus League final, the frustration would be immense for everyone. For players as much as for spectators and clubs.

“It is certain that if we were to play behind closed doors, the party would be even more ruined than it already is, don’t hide Fabrice Lhenry. It’s obviously a shame but, for now, we have no choice but to deal with it. If the matches can take place, I think we should play them and hope that the situation improves. Since we don’t know anything, we have the impression that anything can happen. Stopping the championship as a simple break before it starts again a little later. In the meantime, at our level, the only thing we can do is play when we are allowed to and try to win our matches. “

To do this, Mathieu Roy says, “Ignore the context. The team with the best ability to do so will have the best chance. “ An exercise in style which the Rouennais will not ultimately have to engage in for now, the federation having chosen, late last night, to suspend, at least until March 17, the holding of the semi-finals …

“A trying day …”

The voice is tired.
“The day was trying, was not hiding, when we joined him last night at a little after 10 pm, Guy Fournier.
I had a meeting this afternoon (yesterday noon) with the folks from the federation and the other presidents and another one this evening (last night) with the same people to discuss the rest of the season. There, I await the result. I’m waiting for the federation’s executive office to make its decision. “ And decides what to do next with the 2019-2020 Magnus League season. Something that, at this precise moment, the manager of the Dragons still did not know. He did not know any more more, at that time, if the meeting planned this evening against the Dukes of Angers, the first of the semi-final opposing the two teams, was indeed going to be able to be held and, especially , if so, under what conditions it would be able to play.

“In case there is a match, we have everything planned so that it can take place in good conditions”, yesterday certified the native Quebecer without wanting to say more.
“The federation does not want us to communicate until it has made and acted on its decision, justified Guy Fournier.
So I am like everyone else. I wait.”

Whatever happens, whether the season is put on forced break for a few weeks or even canceled altogether or whether it ends in camera or in front of a maximum of 1,000 spectators, the blow will be hard on the finances of Rouen Hockey Elite.
“It is certain that, economically, it will be a hard blow but we will face, assures the manager of the Dragons.
We are big boys. We will assume what there is to assume and, even if, we will not hide it, all that does not suit us, it will not put the club in difficulty. We are also responsible citizens and, as we welcome the public, we fully understand that there are decisions to be made and choices to be made. ” At 11 p.m., the federation opted for a suspension of the play-offs …

In the spans

Amiens – Mulhouse, act 6 maintained

Disqualified on Saturday by decision of the French Federation due to the coronavirus epidemic which strongly affects the capital of the Haut-Rhin, Mulhouse will finally be able to defend its chances in the quarter-finals against Amiens after intervention by the Ministry of Sports. Led 3-2 in the series, the Scorpions will meet the Gothics for match 6 tonight behind closed doors at the Aren’Ice in Cergy-Pontoise (Val-d’Oise), the prefecture having given its agreement. If a match 7 is necessary, it will take place the next day at the same place. If the holding of the Magnus League semi-finals was suspended last night, the quarter-final will come to an end.

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